Chapter 18

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Mystery Pov

They still have no clue on what I'm planning.. I just hope her little mate won't get burned in the cross fire, Oh wait I really could care less!

"Hey, Boss."


"Everything is ready for the attack we are finally going to get even and take sweet innocent Alison away from her brother. I can not wait now we just have to make sure her mate gets there at the same time than he will get caught in the cross fire.

"Uh, boss?"

What do you want can't you see I am thinking!!

"Uh, umm yeah its just you were speaking out loud I thought you would want to know."

Than get out. Uh rouges now days just can't keep there yap shut like seriously how hard is it to follow those rules I set than you won't get yourself killed...

I can't wait to have her for myself...

Allys POV

I was walking in the forest when I wear i felt like someone was watching me.

Omg, what if it's one of the rouges out to get me I knew this walk was a bad idea why did I not listen. What if I get kidnapped or worse jaycobs mate kidnapped. Oh god I can't let that happen, if I run fast enough I can get there without whoever is watching me catching up.

With that I ran I could hear paws chasing after me but when I reached the house it went silent.


what Ally?

There's someone here I could feel someone watching me so I wanted to worn you and they started chasing me.

Ally I need you to find my mate and go to the safe house.


Because the rouges are here and they want a fight.

I could tell by the look on his face.. he didn't think he would be coming back it was that look in his eyes.. he knew he wasn't i didn't like that look.

Jaycob! It's too risky you can't leave now you have a Mate and Me. You can't leave her think about the kids you will have. You need to be there for her and if you died she and I would be heart broken you can't do that to her ok? You WILL come back got it.

I will try Ally but.. this won't be a normal fight it will be to the death..


Omg I'm sorry I have not updated and theres no excuse for it but thanks for everything everyone

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