Chapter 11

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Jacob's POV

"Alpha, we found a rouge working at the diner."

Kill him then, i am busy right now!

"Its a girl, she does not look like a normal one."

Fine! bring her to the cells for questioning later, ok!

Ugh, now i have to do more. I am arm deep in paper work, and now my beta wants me to check out a rouge. "Yay"
Sometimes being a alpha is way to much work, but i guess you should expect that when you run a pack over 700 wolves.

I finally finished the paper work when my beta came in my office.

"Alpha, he nods"

What do you need?

"The rouge? i thought we were going to question her?"

Oh, yes i forgot lets get this over with.
Can you and James bring her up here.

"Yes, Alpha"

What did i say about you calling me alpha? i said

"Not to"

Exactly, now go get her!

I was making sure the packs bills were paid, when i heard a knock on my door. i quickly said come in and my beta and pack warriors came in the room, with a girl in there arms.

For some reason my wolf felt protective of her, i was fighting with my wolf on what to do.

Why do we feel so protective about her jace?

You will find out soon he growls when they are still holding her.

All i felt was him taking over

Let her go, and leave! My wolf said

"But alpha!"

My wolfs eyes flashed. Now!

They quickly left and shut the door.

Who are you, and why were you on my land!

I'm Ally marie edel, i didn't know i was on someones land. i'm sorry..

Wait Ally is you real name Allison Marie Edel?!?

Yeah.... why i go by Ally and how do you know my name?

I couldn't help it i felt tears going down my face as i hugged her.

Your ba.back.

What do you mean your back?

Your my sister i'm Jacob hunter Edel.

And with that she passed out..


Sister? whats going on here lol
So i thought i would update and anyways don't forget to...



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