I would like to say something

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So i would like to address something... This is not about my book but after something i just witnessed i figured, it would be a good topic. So i was on an online game i was playing it whatever, in this game they have a chat room. This guy, he was rambling about something, everyone else including me was thinking that it had to do with the game, in reality though we all soon realized it wasn't. That guy? who we all thought was rambling about the game actually. He was saying how this world isn't fair, like yeah its a killing game sometimes people cheat. No that's not what he meant.. He meant that his life wasn't fair. He had depression, one guy out of the whole chat room new what he was getting at. That guy? that we all thought was just speaking about the game he wanted to kill himself, he thought that his parents anyone he talked to would be happy that he was gone. The guy who caught on? He began talking to him on the chat telling him he should NOT give up on his life he shouldn't be thinking about wanting to kill himself hes just a kid. Is this what our world has come to where kids feel unwanted and unloved they rather kill them selves than talk to someone about it and get help? The guy who talked to him went on for 2 hours just to say why he should NEVER think that why he should get help and talk to someone about his problems. When they finished there conversation the kid said he would get help and he would tell his parents what was going on he was scared what people would think of him if he admitted that he was having bad thoughts. The guy had gave him his number and multiple others so he always had a way to get a hold of him if he thought like that again and felt like he had no one, so he could think that he still had a person thinking about him. That kid turns out he had been bullied his whole life, and he felt like he could not handle it anymore, guess how old he is.... He is only 12, 12 years old and he is thinking he wants to kill himself an average person lives to around 80 he has about 68 years ahead of him and he wanted to let it all go...  The percentages of people with depression? 17.8% is female, 5.7% is male. From ages 12-17, people who are 12 there is 5.7%, 13 there is 8.7%, 14 there's 10.7, 15 there's 13.0%, 16 there's 14.1%, 17 is 15.1%... 

These numbers make me feel horrible because you want to know why 43% were bullied so bad they started to get depressed...  All of those people won't tell anyone they are depressed. 

 I remember.. when my bestfriend we had always told each other Everything started acting different, but only i noticed. They were small differences but they were big for me to notice, she wasn't always happy and if she was smiling it was like it was plastered on. 2 weeks later she called me crying she had been cutting, she cut so deep.. her step mom who was in the other room came rushing in and saw the blood on her wrists, her dad got called and she started going to a therapist.. That was three years ago now she a lot better and happier i can tell sometimes she still gets sad, but she either calls me or talks to her brother. 

i'm going to say Two quotes the first one is about bullying 

"See that girl right there?  The one you just called fat?" 

She's been starving herself, and she's lost over 30 pounds

'The one you just called stupid?'

She has a learning disability. She study's 6 hrs per night.

"The one you just called ugly?" 

She spends over 8 hrs putting make up on. 

"The one you just called a baby?"

You would be too if your mother was dead..

"The one you just tripped?"

She gets abused enough at home. 

There is a lot more to a person than you think.

This quote makes me think, you don't know whats going on in others lives and just because they act different than you do, DOES NOT give you the right to bully them. Heres 2  quotes i have is about depression by Robin Williams.

"I think the saddest people always try there hardest to make people happy because they know what it feels like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that."

-Robin Williams 

-I used to think that the worst thing in life was to  end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone. 

-Robin Williams

He was my favorite actor, he himself was battling with depression a battle which he lost to. What i am getting at is you can be depressed but what you choose to do is what matters don't give up on your life its only the beginning of it. Talk to someone anyone and get help, there are people who can help even if you think they can they can. look at what happened in an online chat room two complete strangers and that guy might of saved that 12 year old's life.. talk to someone that is all i have to say i wanted to get this noticed by people its not a joke. 


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