Chapter 14

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Ally's POV

I didn't know how long i sat there thinking, all i know is when i looked out the window it was dark out. right on cue my stomach growled loudly, looks like i missed supper. He never actually showed me where the kitchen was, so i just followed where my nose took me. Luckily i lead myself to the kitchen, because you never know it could take you outside or something. Hey you never know, i walked over to the huge fridge and opened the doors. Omg they have Pizza! i quickly grabbed five pieces of pizza, don't judge i am a growing werewolf we eat a lot more than normal people. Our metabolism is higher, and we end up burning it super fast. So we end up eating a lot more, so know judging people! As i was heating up my food i heard heels clicking and clacking against the wood floors.

"Who are you!" the "leader" spoke actually scratch that screeched. Hmm maybe i should call her thing, yes and i will call her minions thing 1 follower 1, and thing 1 follower 2. those are kind of boring though, i will have to figure out better names though after. I was interrupted by thing 1 screeching.


Uh maybe because your annoying or even better a screeching gorilla, wait thats a insult.. A insult to gorillas anyway.


That your annoying or that your a screeching gorilla. i said smirking.

"You are so going to get it when my mate comes down here." she said smirking

Awe i feel bad for him, how much did you pay him. 1000? Never mind, to date you for money i think no ones that desperate.

All of a sudden Jacob burst through the door.

"What do you want now Stacy!"

And at that exact moment i burst out laughing.

Aha th...think j..jacob w..will hu..hurt!! i said through my laughs.

"Of course he will you hurt me, now you will go to the dungeon. Right hunny?"

"Ally, whats going on??"

"What she screeched
You know her, what is she a house keeper!!"

All of a sudden jacob turned towards her, with black eyes. His wolf was in control.

"Do not talk to her like that, or else YOU will be the one in the dungeon!!"

She started "crying" "b..but i am your mate!! and she's just Help!"

"I am not your Mate! Get that through your thick head why don't you, you are so annoying! LEAVE ME AND ALLY ALONE!!"

All she did was rush up to me and sneer in my face while pointing at me while whispering. "I will get you back for this, you will not steal him from me! I am his mate not you, Me! Be careful i am friends with some very important people, and with the snap of my fingers i could get you killed! Watch your back! She turned to jacob She is not even your mate! i am why go for her, i have so much more what is wrong with you. She will not be good for the Luna position! She is not even pretty! when you want me you can come to my room! hmph" and her and her minions walked away.

Wow, she is uh something?

"Yeah, no kidding she got it in her head that she will have the luna position! When i am waiting for my mate, i would never do that to my mate.. You can tell he was thinking about what she would look like, the way his eyes sparkled. So he could have some privacy, i grabbed my pizza and pop quickly and walked away quickly. He is lucky he won't get rejected.. But things all happen for a reason.. i turned on the tv and put it on Netflix so i could watch Pitch perfect 2, when i finished eating the movie was almost over and it was probably about one in the morning. I was getting pretty tired, i felt really full now so i turned the tv off and went to sleep...


So i made a longer chapter!! fist pump 👊 lol But here you guys go! another update so remember



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