Chapter 19

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Allys POV

After Jay ran off I went to find jewel, I think she's in her room. I ran up the stairs to there room and found her on the bed surrounded by little box's.

Jewel! We have to get to the safe house!


she finally looked up and I noticed she had tears poring down her cheeks.

Hey, jewel what's wrong?

" I.. I wasn't sure but .. she looked up at me. I'm pregnant.."

Jewel! This is great news! Omg I'm going to be an Aunt! Oh no we have to get you to the safe house right now!

So we ran past all the wolves right to the safe house.

Jewel walked in first but something wasn't right I could feel my wolf trying to talk to me.

"Ally it is time, this, this fight is the one we must fight in it will change everything. We must help!"

But. Are we even ready for this!

" this was our destiny we have to fight even if it ends our lives."

Ok, let's do this!

and with that we ran to the fight we were fighting rouges left and right and right when we thought we were doing good.. masons pack came and started fighting us.


MASON what are you doing!!

" awe poor silly innocent little ally haha. You honestly thought I was on Your side that is priceless. I only played you I never liked you but because you were my mate my boss thought it would be the perfect plan to get you! The only part that wasn't supposed to happen was you running away and finding your brothers pack that put a dent in the plan, but than we got thinking. Your brother has a strong pack and you have a strong 1st mate if we attacked your pack your mate would hear and come after you with warriors leaving his pack unprotected where we could strike and kill of but than in the fight we could kill all of this pack take you and have no worries with two less packs.
That's the dream, to bad though you are kind of pretty so sad I have to give you to the boss I guess I could always have some fun with you before..."

I thought you loved me, but no I was just a little pawn in your game of chess wasn't I?

"Yay! Ally you are finally catching on! Now we just have to wait a couple more minutes and your little mate will come to try and rescue you only to fail badly! Oh this will be fun"

Please don't hurt anyone!

"But I can't it's already done!"

And he cut off the Mindink

Oh no I have to warn.. and with that him and his pack burst through the trees.

This fight.. might be the last anyone will see but hopefully we could tell about...

Another chapter mental high five yay well I'm on spring break and thought I should give you a chapter plus there's only duh duh duuuhhh one chapter left it's so sad but.. all things need to come to and end but tell me what you thought and..



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