Chapter 12

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Ally's POV

I woke up in a king sized bed.. wait what!! i jumped up looking around omg what is going on!! oh no, i am going to die. oh god, oh no whats going to happen to me!! with all the ranting in my head i started to hyper-ventilate. When all of a sudden i felt arms wrap around me, i screamed!

Ahh get away from me as i jumped off the bed.

"Don't you remember?"
The look on his face when i shook my head no was so sad than i remembered, i had just walked into the office and we were talking and he said i was his sister. i get it now wait SISTER!

I don't have a brother!

"Than who am i?" he said raising a eyebrow

Hmm idk a creep!!

"I barely heard him but i only heard the last bit. Well you were taken when you were small.."

What do you mean taken, why do you keep saying i'm your sister i only had one brother and he was a jerk so thank you very much but i will be leaving now!

"You are my sister! you don't believe me tell me this didn't you always wonder why you couldn't remember certain stuff."

Yeah, but it was because i fell when i was younger out of a tree..

"No! that is not why its because they erased your memory's that had us in it! don't you get it they took you from us and now.. we found you."

And with that he left, he left me in my thoughts trying to remember my long lost path..


Hi you guys first of i am so, so sorry i have not updated. i started school and volleyball and that takes up most of my days. i will try to update more when i'm going to the games, i will wright a chapter or something like that but anyway done with my boring life and don't forget to



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