Chapter 15

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Ally's POV

When i woke up there was a commotion going on downstairs. i could here people fighting, i quickly ran down the stairs to see what was going on. When i did find out what was going on i wish i hadn't, there was limbs strung everywhere. blood was on the floor. It looked really gross!!

What is going on here!!

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just stared at me.

What, is there something on my face?

Why is everyone staring at me, this getting weird.

Ok, i will not ask again What. Is. Going. On. Here!

And thats when they all tackled me..
Just kidding they just kept staring. nuh nuh nuh nuh can't touch this nuh nuh nuh nuh can't touch this!!
I was taken out of my mental conversation when i heard Jacob say something.

Sorry, what did you say.

"I said there was rouges how the heck did you sleep through that Ally!"

Idk i just did, i blame you, you didn't wake me up so there fore it is your fault so Ha!

"What, how is this My fault! they were not after Me they were after you so i was only protecting you.. oh no."

What do you mean they were here for me.

"Oh, um well you see uh um.."

Get to it!!! why were they here for me!

"Ok well you see the rouge king wants you for himself because your special, i'm sorry Ally but you are target to them now and you will not leave this pack house without me or four body guards. (A/N if you see this book on another account other then catness_girl please contact immediately- sorry back to the story) No late night walks or drives, i will not loose you after i just got you back do you understand"

You! can not control me Jaycob i know you have been looking for me but i need some privacy jeez stop being so protective ok i do not need someone over my shoulder all of the time ok!

"You do not understand do you Ally they will not give up they want a war and the winner wins the prize and Ally that prize is you.."

But why me why do i have to be special it just frustrates me so much, you know what i have to go shopping i need some food! Are you coming or not!

"I'm coming just let me get my phone, Clean this mess up! he said in his alpha voice than he ran upstairs quickly.

When he came down stairs i was already ready and waiting by the door hurry up jay!! I want food were going to go to Boston Pizza first.

"Fine by me we got in the car and he drove to Boston."

When we walked in i was engulfed in the smell of cooking pizza. i quickly ran to a booth and sat down jay sat down across.

Mmm pizza i don't know what kind i want yet either cheese, meat lovers, ham and pineapple, or ham and bacon. i never no what kind i should get they all look and smell good. 

I saw the waitress come over and i started ordering but when i look up jay and her were staring at each other.

Hello. Helloo. Jay!! Answer me damit!!

Thats when they both  whispered Mate...

Omg Jaycob found his mate yay sorry i  am so busy v-ball ended and basketballs starting already and my birthday was a few days ago but heres a late chapter. remember



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