Chapter 1

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I have never actually written something so bare with me please and don't post mean comments. Thank you I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!


When I woke up in the morning I slowly started getting ready, as I looked in the mirror I could see my dirty blonde hair and dull blue eyes. Which for some reason I got gifted with a pure white with silver tips wolf. It is said that white wolves are really rare but white wolves with silver on the tips are said that they are descendants of the Moon Goddess, are really strong, and had a special power, but I'm pretty sure they are lying about that. My name is Ally and this is my story.

As I walked to my dresser my Alpha, or I guess I should say mate slammed open my door.

"Ally you better get the hell out of here NOW!"

Zach why are you yelling at me??

"Ally what did I just say! Get the fuck out of here!"

What did I do for god's sake, Zach?

"Get out you are now banished from this pack."

But I didn't do anything Zach, why are you banishing me, I'm your mate?

"NO! You are not my mate or ever will be, I don't want a mate, and I sure don't want it to be the omega of the pack. By tomorrow you better be gone" he said as he stormed out

I looked at the door still in shock from what happened, after about 5 minutes of staring at the door I went to go pack. Tears were pouring down my cheeks as I packed the little stuff I had, it only took about 2 hours and I had packed all of my stuff, I could not believe what just happened. Did he just kick me out of the pack? What did I do to make him so mad? I thought back to what he said but it just made me cry even harder.

I had left not too long ago after I ate so I could prepare for the run. By the time It was 2 in the morning, I had already run for 5 hours. I didn't even know where I was anymore. I was getting tired of running in my wolf form so I was looking around for somewhere to sleep for a couple of hours when all of a sudden my wolf senses started going crazy as if someone was watching me. As I looked around I didn't see anyone around, trying to stay on the safe side I started to run faster and than I heard what I feared, a wolf growled at me from behind.

When I turned around there were 3 wolves, the one on the right was a rusty brown color, the one on the left was a golden color and the one in the middle was a black wolf which was the tallest so I am thinking that is their Alpha. They kept snorting and growling at each other, they were probably talking in the mind link. Then they all went behind trees and shifted back to be a human, I guess they have clothes hiding around the trees. The one on the right and the left were about 5"6' and the one in the middle was about 6 feet. He had a six-pack and seemed to be in good shape, but almost all werewolves are because you have to be in case something happens.

Breaking me from my thoughts they started to speak

"Hello I am Mason, the right one said he was cole, and the left one was George."


Well, that is the end of the chapter please comment and tell me if you want me to do more chapters so tell me!!

Please vote and comment I would love to hear your feedback thanks for reading!


[Edit] So I had some free time in one of my classes, so I decided that I should probably start editing this story. Especially since I promised I'd do it what? 3 years ago and just keep putting it off, I know I'm not the only one who does that ;). I would like to say I'm sorry to those who actually got through this book, and kept it around because I'm surprised. So I just wanted to say comment and tell me if you read this chapter before and if I edited it a lot better now.

Bye guys!!

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