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Yes, I realize this is probably getting frustrating all these author notes. There is some thing I would like to address though, I have been receiving many bad comments about this story. I myself will admit there is MANY mistakes in it, the story lines rushed, some parts I believe don't even make sense but nobody's amazing at writing story's there always will be mistakes. I want to rewrite this story concidering I started writing it in grade 7, when i didn't even put punctuation in proper spots. I just ask one favor though if you are reading my story please refrain from writing mean comments thank you.

Edit I've decided to just rewrite this story I have tried fixing it but their are sooo many issues with things not making sense so I have decided to rewrite it I have started to. How ever I will not take this book down like other authors have done I feel with how many people like it I might as well keep it I just wanted to let everyone know so keep an eye out for it!! Bye guys


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