Chapter 8

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Ok so i thought it only makes sense to do her mate Zach's Pov when he rejects her so here we go


Zach's Pov

When i was in my office my Beta chase came running in.



"It's a note from the rouges"

That made me very alert, what does it say?

"It's for you, you open it."

When i opened it it read..

Dear Alpha Zach

I know you found your mate, sweet little ally, she should have been mine!

I will get her, and you and your pack will crumble. just you wait. I'm always watching!

From well you should know

Crap!!! Chase they found out about her

"What do you mean?"

They know i found my mate and the rouge king wants her!

"What are you going to do."

I have no choice but to reject her. My dad had the same problem and they ended up killing my mom i won't let that happen to ally she will not go through that i have to reject her.

2 hours later


I quickly went into her room and saw her in her room. she was sitting on her bed when i barged in. when she looked up i almost didn't do it. Ally get out of here now! leave by tomorrow you better be gone and

I Alpha Zach formally Reject you

ally from our mate bond.

When i saw the tears in her eyes i just wanted to tell her that i love her and beg for her forgiveness. I new i couldn't though i am only doing this to protect her. when i walked out of her room i whispered i wish this could have went differently.


Sorry its really short but i'm a bit busy 

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