Chapter 3: Joyous Escape?

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Disclaimer: Disney owns Star Wars: Rebels. Not me.

Hera dragged the sluggish yoke to the left, narrowly dodging a small asteroid. The Twi'lek smiled as she heard a crash behind her, signaling death to yet another Imperial agent. They could use all the help they could get, especially with Chopper running to and fro, unable to plot hyperspace coordinates due to all the repairs they had yet to do. Hera was immensely grateful that the landing party had gotten back when they did; the Ghost wouldn't have lasted another second if they hadn't taken off.

Hera didn't know what had delayed her crew so long, but whatever it was, she would be sure to reprimand them all later. If they survived the next couple of minutes.

Her ship's comm crackled to life, and Sabine's voice spoke out: "Hera, do you know if Kanan's gonna be joining us in, you know, making sure we're not blown up? Only-" there was a distant explosion, showing the girl was still firing "-I reckon this'll go a lot smoother if he was here helping." Hera swung the ship violently to the right, dodging a bright green laser. "Sabine, he'll come when he can. Right now-" the ship shuddered violently-"you'll have to do the best you can without him." When the teen answered, it was with a grim tone. "Roger that."

A series of bleeps and whistles from behind Hera told her Chopper had finished repairing the extensive damage to the shields to the best of his ability. While the rest of the crew could barely get his meaning without crude arm movements, Hera could understand the droid almost perfectly. She had, after all, built the darned thing.

"Focus on the hyper-space engine next, Chop. For now Sabine's gun will have to do, but we need to get out of here!" A squeal showed his enthusiastic agreement, and the little droid scurried towards the panel, wheels moving him as fast as they could.

Even though she hadn't relayed it to Sabine, the green woman was slightly annoyed now. Kanan knew better than to dawdle, he should've joined Sabine at the guns as soon as he got onboard. Hadn't he seen the Ties swirling around her precious ship? Even if he had something else to do, wouldn't he have contacted her first? Worry knotted in her stomach. He did say Ezra was injured... had her lied to her about the damage done so she wouldn't lose concentration? No, she'd known him for too long. She could tell when he was lying immediately. So what was keeping him? The comm once again crackled to life, but another jolt of worry shot itself into her stomach as the screens in front of her said that it was not coming from either gunning station. It was from the med-bay.

"What took you so long?!" Hera could tell worry was laced into her speech, but she didn't care. Either Ezra was injured badly, or there was something wrong with Kanan. Neither one boded well for her concentration on the ongoing battle.
However, it wasn't Kanan's voice the spoke out to her with comforting words. It was Zeb's. And they weren't exactly words of comfort.

"Sorry, Hera. Had to get Kanan in the bay-" Hera cut the Lasat off as she spied something else mingling with the blasts fired at her ship. "Is he alright!?" Zeb growled, slightly annoyed, but continued on none the less. "Fine, just took a rock to the head,'s all. Bu-" Hera once again cut him off as she recognized what had been fired at them.

"Fill me in later, Zeb, we got missiles on us. Get in the gunner's seat and do something useful!" For there were missiles heading in their direction, most presumably fired by the two newer looking models of Ties pursuing them. Energy pulses were one thing, the shields could take care of them. But missiles? If Hera wasn't careful, they'd all have a lot more to worry about than Kanan. One of those could take out a huge chunk of the hull, leaving them with little to no atmosphere left above the Ghost.

"Chopper, we're gonna need that hyper-space NOW!" The little droid gave out yells, voicing that he was doing as best he could. But right now, with at least seven Ties, two of which carried missiles, chasing her down, Hera couldn't care less about his complaints. Sabine yelled through her comm.

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