Chapter 24: Broken, but not Defeated

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"No no no, look: I can't see the Inquisitor payin' a visit to the Mon Calamari. He's just not that type of person. Kanan said there was a Jedi enclave or something there, so I think it's a lot more likely that he's gonna be there." Sabine looked at Zeb, his argument obviously frustrating her.

"And what if he's not just going there on his own? Regardless of what you 'see him' doing, the Inquisitor's still got a boss. Right now, the Mon Calamari aren't being to subservient to the Empire as they used to be. Maybe he was sent there to negotiate!" Zeb laughed.

"You just don't wanna admit that I'm right!"

"What? I just gave you a legitimate reason for Mon Calamari!"

"But you know it's Dantooine."


"Will you two please cut it out?" Kanan called out behind him, eyes still focused on the data-pad in front of him. "We're heading to both, so it doesn't matter. The Imminent Pursuit is either gonna be on one or the other, or our sources were all wrong."

"But Kanan!"

"No. If you still feel the need to quarrel, take it out on Chopper." Indignant beeps from the outside corridor sounded out the bot's displeasure at being targeted, but Sabine laughed.

"Actually, I might just go ahead and dismantle him right now..." Zeb stood up and cracked his knuckles threateningly, and Chopper ran screaming down the hall for Hera. The Lasat followed him, thundering down the metal halls with enough noise to make a rock want to complain.

Kanan groaned. "I better stop him from actually destroying Chop..." Reluctantly, Kanan stood up from his seat and threw the data-pad to Sabine, stretching. Currently, its' only purpose was to serve as a news relay. Any news regarding the Imminent Pursuit provided to them by the Rebellion was stored on here, and the crew had spent the past few days sifting through it all, trying to find out where the Star Destroyer was.

Kanan headed out of the common room, following the onslaught of noise that heralded Zeb and Chopper. It seemed the bot hadn't been able to get to Hera in time for the Twi'lek to save him from the menace that was the Lasat.

"Zeb! I didn't mean it literally! Zeb, come on..." The two rounded the corner, Chopper in pursuit of Zeb, shocker extended. It seemed that the little droid had had enough. Stepping to the side of the hall as to not get trampled, Kanan just shook his head as the pair continued to run throughout the Ghost. Kanan was glad to see that they were taking his advice to heart and locking up their doubts where it couldn't affect them.


Almost sheepishly, the Jedi pulled his communicator out and answered the pilot.


"Why does it sound as though I have a herd of banthas running around on my ship?"

"Um..." There was a yell from further on down as Chopper finally caught up to Zeb. "No reason."

"No reason, huh? Whatever. Anyways, come up here. We need to talk."

Kanan sighed, but headed up to the cock-pit. Hera was not to be denied, especially not on her ship.

"What's the matter?" Hera swiveled around in her pilot's chair, a frown on her face. "It seemed I wasn't entirely correct before. We only have enough fuel to head towards Mon Calamari, and even then, I doubt if we'll be able to scrape enough credits together to refuel the Ghost. I know we have to get there," she added, seeing the look that crossed over Kanan's face, "but this bird won't run on will power alone."

Kanan flopped down in the chair usually occupied by Zeb with a sigh. Ezra needed them, but there was nothing he could do.

"How many credits would we get from completing the decoder mission?"

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