Chapter 4: Potential

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For any strict fans and other knowledgeable readers: I am aware the Inquisitor is not an actual Sith. The only two true Sith are Sideous and Vader, I know. However, the Inquisitor, in this chapter, sees himself as one, so towards the end there is himself calling himself a Sith. It's just from his point of view, not actual truth. Thanks!

Disclaimer: The Rebels T.V. series belongs to Disney. I doubt they'd let a school-student have control of it anyways.

The Inquisitor looked down at the unconscious boy commander Kallus had un-ceremoniously dropped on the ground. His navy hair had flopped over to the right side of his face, so that he was partially covered by thin strands. The Pau'an stared. Had the capture been too easy? Usually the boy would still be aboard that worthless ship he coveted, along with the crew that selfishly protected him...

No matter. The Force had delivered to the Inquisitor what was needed of him to continue on the Sith line: a potential apprentice. All he had to do was break the boy, break him and temper him into something purer, fresher, better... more powerful. Once that had been done, the Inquisitor could take his rightful place at the right hand of the Emperor, of Darth Sideous. Vader's time had come to an end. He may be the remnants of the most powerful Jedi ever to stalk the land, but he was nothing more than that: remnants. The only thing keeping him alive was his suit, which limited his movement and force-capabilities.

Yes, the Emperor had selected him from the Jedi, selected the glorious "Chosen One" to accompany him as the apprentice to the Sith... and he had succeeded in doing so. But then it had gone wrong. One battle at Mustafar, and the blasted 'hero' had gotten himself very nearly killed, nothing more than a carcass climbing up the shore. At this point his Master was merely being kept alive by the Emperor for show.

But what was the use for a puppet that had to have it's inner organs manipulated as well? What point was there in having a dark suit of armor, if it highlighted the individual's weakness? Vader was nothing more than an image, a figurine to scare the people into behaving.

But the Inquisitor could be so much more. So...much...more... All he had to do was obtain an apprentice. Secure the power necessary to complete his own destiny, to secure his victory in a grasp of iron. The Pau'an smiled a wicked smile, pointed teeth glowing in the red light his lightsaber radiated. The young Padawan would be part in something grand, oh yes. The Inquisitor could hardly wait for the day he could call the young boy 'his' and fulfill that destiny which awaited him.

"Well, that went smoothly enough." Commander Kallus straightened up, dusting off his uniform. "Their vessel is attempting to escape. What should I command my men to do with them?" The Pau'an looked at the sky, towards the small speck that had been the boy's home, where his so called 'family' was aboard.

"Use any means necessary to dispose of them. Missiles, pattern S.E... whatever it takes." Kallus blanched. "Pattern S.E., sir?" The Pau'an glared down at him, menace laced in his gaze.

"Yes, commander, must I repeat myself?" The agent shook his head slowly, then walked away, pulling out his comm as he did so. The Inquisitor looked back up at the sky.

Pattern S.E. was a suicide pattern almost always yielding the desired result: disablement of enemy ships. Well, how could it not, when the pilot flew straight into the bridge of the desired target? The Inquisitor, unlike commander Kallus, had no qualms about ordering his men to use it. After all, what was a few Tie Pilot's lives if it meant no one would be coming for the future apprentice of the Sith?

The Inquisitor knew exactly how spirited the youth was. It could take a while to break him. A while that could be punctuated by rescue attempts made by the rebels, which would no doubt be trying to take him back. Even if they did not succeed, their attempts would arouse hope in the boy, which would get in the way of his breaking... No, the Inquisitor did not care for the lives of stormtroopers insignificant to the Force. They were merely fluff that could be used to soften the injuries sustained by the... rebellion... of the people. Nothing more than padding, to be used and thrown away.

But this boy, this boy was different. Special, even. He had a place in the Force that he belonged to. A role to play. The Inquisitor knew that, and was determined to be a part of that role. Whatever this boy would do, it would be great, and bring about a change in the Empire, one that made power ripple through the Inquisitor like water through the soil...

The boy stirred on the ground, and a single blue eye opened. Once more showing his pointed teeth, the Sith apprentice-no...Lord, now,- pointed a gloved hand towards the teen. His breaking would begin now.

The boy screamed as the Inquisitor buffeted the child with raw Force power, and he laughed mercilessly. He could feel his new apprentice's pain in the Force, echoing out through it's vastness, looking for something to latch on to to stop it. But the Inquisitor would make sure he had nothing to grasp onto. No one to help him.

He would enjoy breaking this child.

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