Chapter 17: Plans of Darkness

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And I'm back again! Seriously, I didn't think it was possible for the views to climb that high. Thank you all so much!

Disclaimer: Disney is the one and only, like, the only, owner of Star Wars: Rebels.

"Sir, it's the rebels! They're here!"

The Inquisitor's eyes snapped open from his meditation. He had had a feeling that the news report would not be enough to stop Kanan Jarrus and his crew. No matter. The boy would be kept. He was not going to be lost.

"Where are they?"

"Somewhere in the middle decks, sir. They sneaked in on one of the oncoming transports. They're using the blast doors to keep our soldiers away from them." The Inquisitor snorted softly. They were crafty.

The transports from Myrkr contained hundred of Ysalimir, to be scattered on the inside edges of the Imminent Pursuit, effectively cutting off the ship from the Force outside of it. This was designed to keep the rouge Jedi from sensing his Padawan while outside of the ship, but to allow the Inquisitor full access while inside. The boy would also be able to use the Force, but not to contact his master.

The last time that had happened, the Inquisitor had very nearly killed the child.

Granted, the wearing off of the Force Inhibitor had been a mistake. They hadn't been administered thoroughly enough. But the child had undermined one of the Inquisitor's best strategies of keeping the rouge Jedi away from him by using a single moment of connection to prove that he was alive. That meant that the Inquisitor's brilliant idea of sending out the fake death-message had been for nothing.

Not only had it made the message useless, it had invited the Jedi to try and attempt a rescue. As he was doing now. The Inquisitor was not proud that he had lost control, but he had, and the result ad been to instill more fear into the boy.
Now, he would have to make sure that it wasn't for naught.

The Inquisitor picked himself off of his meditation pad, unfolding his long, pale limbs. It was time to act. The Pau'an moved quickly out of his quarters, and as he did so the sirens and red lights flashed on. He picked up his pace, walking so fast that the soldier behind him had trouble keeping up.

"Alert the Ysalimir placers to remain at their posts and continue working. They will not be needed to deal with the infiltrators."

"Yes, sir!" And with a salute, the trooper ran off in the opposite direction. Even though the intrusion was of the gravest nature, simply adding more numbers to the hunting party would do no good. The distribution of the Ysalimir was crucial, as it would buy the Inquisitor more time to break the boy.

Although now that there was hope in Bridger's mind, The Inquisitor knew that it would take longer to break the boy. Stupid rebels, always getting in the way of plans far above their heads.

He was not far from the brig when his connection to Bridger told him that he was feeling intense relief. Since he had planted the subtle drone, the Inquisitor had remained with the thoughts of the young Padawan, trying daily to sway the boy out of his faith in his crew. He had had little to no success, but the ebb of energy had remained inside the boy's mind, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.

The path was blocked. The blast doors leading to the brig were shut, no doubt as a result of the rouge Jedi's interference. No matter. The Inquisitor pulled out his lightsaber and activated it, switching to intimidation mode. He held the blade at his side, cutting a vertical line in the blast door just taller than he was. He repeated the procedure on the other side, then cut the resulting slab of metal out of the frame he had created. Nothing would stop him from securing his fate as ruler of the galaxy.

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