Chapter 30: End Game: Part V

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"Sir! It's the rebels again!"

The Inquisitor's eyes snapped open, and he momentarily forgot to continue probing Bridger for weakness. The rebels? Here? How?

"How did they find us?!"

"I don't know, sir! We came out of hyper-space and then they were... there!" The Inquisitor snarled. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to have broken the child, to have his tool, to have his fight with Vader. Instead, the boy had pulled out hope from some corner of his soul that the Inquisitor had failed to crush, was no longer willing to be his apprentice, and now the rebels were here to ruin everything else.

"Launch all Tie-fighters, have them converge on the rebel ship. Fire all of the Imminent Pursuit's turrets. Do whatever it takes, but destroy that ship!"

"Yes, sir!" And the officer signed out of the communications array, leaving the Pau'an alone to stew. Almost the instant he had left, a tremor shook the ship.

Damn the rouge! Damn his ship! This isn't how it's supposed to work!

The Inquisitor strode out of his quarters, long legs allowing him to maintain a brisk pace towards the bridge. There was ample security around Bridger, he could afford to leave the child alone for a few moments. In the meantime, he had business on the bridge of his ship.

Simply to let the child know that he was not in any way giving him a break, the Inquisitor rammed against Bridger's mental shields, only to be repelled once more. He had rarely encountered a being that could hold off his attacks, and the few that had were full Jedi that had escaped the purge... just another example of what a juicy prize the child had turned out to be. One that the Inquisitor would keep to himself at all costs.

The officers were scrambling around, shouting out commands and reports to one another when he arrived. They had been trained that any command given by the Inquisitor was to be met with absolute compliance, and had to yield acceptable results... or they'd suffer his wrath.

"Report. What is the situation?"

An officer on the main deck strode up to him, saluting, before answering his question: "Sir! The rebel's ship was apparently waiting for us near the planet Kashyyyk, sir. As soon as we exited hyper-space they commenced attack, and the main ship is now being pursued by most of the Tie forces sent out to engage it."

"What of the others?"

"They were pursuing the smaller vessel, the one registered as the Phantom, before they were destroyed by said ship."

"Where is it now?"

"We believe it has docked in hangar-bay eleven port side, sir."

"Order all troopers to converge on their location. I do not want them getting anywhere close to the isolation decks, officer."

"Sir, yes sir!"

"And use everything we have to take down the rebel's main ship, and the Phantom when it exits the hangar-bay."

"Of course, sir!"

The Inquisitor strode out of the main deck, heading towards hangar-bay eleven. This time, he would take every precaution. He wouldn't even allow the Jedi and his friends anywhere near Bridger, if it meant he had to eliminate them himself.

How the rebels had gotten wind of their location the Inquisitor had no idea... he had seen to it that false trails be planted leading towards Mon Calamari and Dantooine, to keep them busy, so why had they known he would show up at Kashyyyk? That hadn't even been entered into the Imminent Pursuit's logs, the information wasn't recorded on any digital device! How had the blasted rebels known to come here?!

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