Chapter 11: Wake Up Call

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Just to bite off any confusion early on, this is almost directly after Ezra's botched escape/test. Other than that, family fluff once again!

Disclaimer: There's this company called Disney... and they own Rebels.

Hera's hand stopped, hovering above the control panel it had been typing into. The man next to her had given a worrisome twitch, as though he'd received a small shock from Chopper. But as the small bot was down in the engines room making repairs, this was highly unlikely.

"Kanan, love? What happened?" Before, there had been silence on the bridge, as the Twi'lek hadn't wanted to disturb her friend's concentration. He'd been in a meditative trance, trying to find the location of Ezra, but now,since his eyes had shot open, Hera guessed he'd come out of it.

"I..." the Jedi pit his head into his hands, a sign of frustration usually tucked away. Not good.

"Hera, I... I sort of found him." Hera raised an eyebrow, but didn't press the question. She didn't fully understand the Force, it may be completely possible he only half found their missing Spectre. He'd tried to explain it to her once, saying that the Force was like a giant river, and living organisms were no more that rocks thrown into it creating ripples. He'd said finding someone specific in the Force was like trying to view all the ripples at once and determine what kind of rocks had made them... Hera just trusted in her friend to know what he was doing.

"It was more of our Master-Padawan bond than anything else, but... I knew what was happening." His eyes furrowed, as though he was trying to remember a faint dream. "He'd escaped-" a flutter of hope blossomed, "-but the Inquisitor got to him." The hope seemed to strangle itself and die in the lower regions of Hera's stomach.

"Then, there was..." when the Jedi paused, Hera knew he was considering hiding something from her. She grabbed his shoulder and turned his face towards her, so that he couldn't escape her piercing gaze. Nothing would be unknown to her when in concerned her crew. The Jedi seemed to understand that, as he relented and finished his sentence.

"There was a sharp pain in his arm-the one he was shot in- and then he was unconscious. I... I don't think he... Ezra's alright, for the most part, but I can't find his Force signature anymore. The Imps probably injected him with an inhibitor."

Hera sighed, pursing her lips and looking downward slightly. The plan was to repair the ship while making the jump to Alderaan, deliver the Tibanna gas, and using guidance from Kanan, find Ezra. If he couldn't locate their sixth Spectre, they'd have to find him the hard way. Meaning he was stuck in the hands of the Inquisitor for longer.

The further away they flew from the asteroid, the further Hera was convinced they hadn't done the right thing. Ezra was like... like her son, and she had left him. Granted, she'd though he was on board when she'd taken off, but Hera had not rushed back to rescue him as soon as she knew. Ezra needed them, needed her... but so did the Rebellion.

They had to look past their single needs, towards the greater good. The Tibanna gas was likely the life line of the Rebellion, and if their rescue attempt somehow went wrong... the entire organization would likely hang from nothing more substantial than a thread. Ezra would have to hold out until they could go and reclaim him.

"Thank you, Kanan." And with only a slight pause, Hera resumed typing in numbers on the panels.

The Ties had done their damage: the shields were almost non-existent, the main engines were coughing, steering was just slightly off, and the anti-gravity generators were offline in some of the rooms. Hera was just thankful they hadn't hit the life-support, though the multiple scorch marks Chopper had reported indicated that they had tried their hardest to do so.

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