Chapter 26: End Game: Part I

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Move all of the crates upward.

With nothing more than a flicker of thought, the body of Ezra Bridger connected to the Force, and sent out tendrils of thought towards all of the individual boxes. Within a second, they had all risen into the air, floating calmly. It was what his Master wanted.

Clouded blue eyes stared at the Inquisitor, waiting until his next instruction. It was all he could do until he was given another task. After all, what else was there besides the bidding of his Master?

He pointed over to a furry lizard on the left wall of the hangar-bay. "Terminate that Ysalimir."

Terminate the Ysalimir. With a single flick, the boy sent one of the many boxes he held with the Force towards the creature, intending to smash the delicate machinery wrapped around it and mangle the creature with the box. It stopped maybe ten feet before actually hitting the target.

Terminate the Ysalimir. But the box was not moving. How could he if the box wasn't moving anymore? Try as he might, he couldn't reconnect that slender tendril of thought that had made the box fly forth. It refused to budge, instead staying stationary on the hangar floor. Fine then. He'd use another box. Work around the problem.

One of the featureless crates shot up into the air, higher than the others, avoiding the void in the Force he was sensing around the target. It was his job to eliminate the Ysalimir. So he would.

When the box was directly above the Ysalimir, he allowed it to fall. Artificial gravity would knock the creature off of its' protective attachments to the wall of the ship. It would allow the boy to move the Ysalimir closer towards him.

The box was no longer under his control. Gravity flung it down, and it accomplished the task the boy had set up for it. Now it was his turn to accomplish the task his Master had set up for him.

Terminate the Ysalimir.

With the flinging of crates on the smooth floor, he was able to effectively 'kick' the creature across the floor and closer to him. He did not even register it's squeals as it was forced to be removed from its' stable position. He did not care. His Master had not told him to care. His Master had told him to terminate.

It was close enough that with another flick of a crate, he would be within range of termination, so that he could fulfill his Master's role, so that he could mo-

Ezra Bridger's eyes unclouded as he saw for the first time in seventy-two standard hours. He could think again- he could move on his own! He was his own to control!

He slumped down on the floor pathetically. It seemed not being in control of his own body had meant that while someone else was in control, his own operating systems had taken a break. Now, it was harder than normal to do simple tasks, such as stand up. Well, he supposed that he should be grateful his inner organs hadn't fried.

He was his own again! Ezra was finally once again in control of his own body, not just some maniacal puppet for the Inquisitor to throw around at his whim...

The Inquisitor.

Just thinking his name (it felt good to be able to think about what he wanted again) made Ezra's elation tone down a bit. Not only had the Pau'an murdered his crew, but he had also taken advantage of Ezra's engineered hunt for power to turn him into his own personal doll... for what?

Strange memories unfolded, of the Inquisitor- no, not of him himself, just his... wishes? Ezra could see, in his mind's eye, himself sitting quietly in his new cell, finely attuned to his 'Master's' (the word made Ezra shudder) will. The Inquisitor wanted to use him.

To defeat Vader.

Ezra shuddered slightly, but forced his body to sit up. His groggy- but clear- eyes focused on the Pau'an before him, and he felt a sudden burst of appreciation for the small fuzzy Ysalimir on the deck floor next to him. It was because of that creature's natural defense mechanisms that Ezra was able to see the priceless look on one of his biggest enemy's face.

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