Chapter 9: A Family Apart

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Disclamer: Star Wars. Rebels. Not mine. Disney's.

Sabine didn't like this. She didn't like this one bit at all.

For God's sake, Ezra was like her brother! Admittedly, brothers didn't try to flirt with you, but he was getting better at not doing that sort of stuff. Ezra needed them, he needed their help, but they were playing delivery girl and making sure the Rebellion got it's ammo, because they were 'the only hope.'

Sure, Sabine knew they exact reason why they'd left Ezra behind. Did she agree with it? Nope. The Rebellion could get it's own Tibanna gas. Sabine'd even suggested just leaving the darned cargo on an abandoned asteroid somewhere so they could go ahead and rescue their smallest member. But Hera and Kanan had said no.

Were they really this prepared to leave Ezra on his own?

Yes, he'd grown up on the streets. Yes, he knew how to take care of himself. But also yes, the Inquisitor was a maniac that wanted nothing more than to take Ezra away from them completely.

When Sabine was alone in her room- which was most of the time, nowadays- the enormity of it all seemed to come down on her shoulders. She's been surprised when Kanan had come clean about their exact intentions, something Sabine had been trying to get them to do for a while now. The fact that they were part of a rebellion wasn't that life-changing. She'd known that- ish- for a while now. The fact that they were actually trying to change the galaxy... when she thought about it too much, it sent shivers down her spine.

Kanan had said that that was their actual goal. Not a drunken ideal. The galaxy was so, so very big... and the Ghost, with her small crew of six- five, now,- was tiny compared to it. How could they hope to actually change something that vast?

But these arguments hadn't shifted Hera or Kanan at all. They said that they were going to accomplish their goal with the help of others who actively pursued it, just like they were.

It sounded like a bunch of baloney to Sabine.

She didn't need a goal to fight the Empire: she already had several reasons. This dream of one-day righting the Galaxy didn't do anything to boost her emotional status, or anything like that. It just meant some more people would be involved. And usually, Sabine wouldn't have cared.

But if this beloved ideal got in the way of them rescuing Ezra, it mattered very much to Sabine.

Nothing should have gotten in the way of them going back for their youngest crew member, of reuniting the members of their family. Nothing. And yet here they were now: heading in the complete opposite direction of him.

Running away.

Sabine just didn't like the feeling of not being able to help someone dear to her. That probably was the second to top reason that she wanted to wrench the steering out of Hera's hands and reverse course. The main one, of course, was just because she missed the kid running around, screaming at Chopper or Zeb, or grumbling about Kanan thwapping him or Hera refusing to let him pilot the ship.

Sabine missed him complementing her art, trying desperately to hit on her. Even if he a few years younger than her, the kid needed a little more than the Force for those little attempts to actually mean something to Sabine. After all, it wasn't his flirts that made her miss him. It wasn't even the absence of complements to her art; she already knew it was good.

No, the one reason that his absence really un-balanced her was that Ezra was a part of their family. Over the year and a half that he'd been with them, he'd really become an integral part of their systems. Before they'd met, mission were bam-bam-bam; rush the compound, kill the soldiers, get the supplies, get out of there before they all died. The kid, when he'd come, had introduced a new... flavor of missions, a whole new path that branched off into multiple directions.

Sabine, being the girl that she was, needed those variation in her life. They just made life more colorful.

Not only that, but it had become second nature to look over her shoulder to marvel at the situations he would somehow manage to land himself in. Just a few days ago, he'd accidentally managed to disable Zeb's communicator during a romp with Chopper, and had literally been chased down by the Lasat until he had been forced to take refuge in the ventilation.
The memory of the hectic shouts and thuds reverberating through the ship brought a small smile to Sabine's lips. She could always count on the kid to spice things up a bit.

Ezra was family. He was like a brick laid down in the foundation of a building, along with herself, Zeb, Kanan, and Chopper. They all worked together to hold up the weight of their missions, and when any one of them was removed... the whole system crumbled. If it had been Zeb that'd been taken, or Kanan, or Hera, or even herself, the crew would be going through the exact same thing as they were now. They all needed one another to survive. Without any one member... they would just fall apart.

So, when the Ghost finally dropped out of the stony hyperspace it'd maintained for three days, Sabine was not at all surprised to find herself in the bridge with the other four Spectres, eagerly looking down at the planet. They'd finish their business. They'd make their repairs.

And then they'd fix their family.

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