Chapter 7: The First Botched Escape

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Disclaimer: Neither Rebels nor the re-breather is mine. (You'll see.)

After what seemed like a couple hours, the blue eyes shot open once more. There were people coming. Ezra could feel their Force signatures coming down the hall, and after a few more moments, he could hear their armored feet clanking down the metal walkway. Armored, not booted. The Inquisitor had not yet deemed Ezra worth his time to visit.

Ezra grinned. Bucket- heads he could deal with. They weren't to difficult. Quickly moving to the immediate right of where he guessed the door was, Ezra gave his cell one last scan for anything he could possibly use. Not that there was, but it had become his habit to do so after his time on the streets.

The clanking of the stormtroopers grew closer, and Ezra calmed his mind, connecting to the Force. With that, and luck, he'd be as to take out the...three men that were coming his way. He wouldn't just be able to lock the bucket-heads in his cell again, their communications to Kallus had been what'd blown Ezra's cover before. No, he would need to knock out all the troopers before any type of alarm was sounded, or he'd never be able to escape. Once again hoping that the Ghost and her crew were where they needed to be to rescue him in time, Ezra prepared to spring.

The door- it was where Ezra had predicted it to be- slid open with a 'swoosh', and the teen jumped into action. He leaped at the first trooper's foot, effectively making him topple over the teen, slamming his head down on the ledge meant for a sleeping space. One down. Leaping up onto his feet again, Ezra spun around to face the other two Imperials. Before they could compose themselves from his sudden attack, the raven-haired boy sprang once more, tackling the closest man, preventing him from reaching his gun.

While pinning down the man, Ezra flung out his left hand- ignoring the sharp spike of pain that accompanied doing so- and sent the soldier flying with the Force. He hit the wall with a clatter of sound that echoed through the metal halls. One left.

Knowing he was definitely not going to be able to keep the bucket-head down for long, surprise being the only factor that was allowing him to do so, Ezra quickly recalled the tactics Zeb and the others had taught to him. Troopers had a black body-suit under their armor that showed between the individual plates. In hand to hand combat, if smaller and weaker, aim for the gaps.

The trooper's right hand escaped Ezra's bear grip,but instead of reaching out to him, his hand was darting to the side of his helmet. His communicator. Acting quickly, Ezra ripped the blaster out of his hand, and rammed the but of the weapon on the side of the helmet his enemy was reaching for. The spark of electricity told the teen his goal had been accomplished, and the comm was disabled in his helmet.

However, Ezra didn't stop there. Using the advantage he had, the teen beat the trooper with his blaster, until the soldier went limp underneath him. "And there goes the third one. Guess I didn't need those lessons after all, guys."

Momentarily allowing pride to flow through his body at what he had done, Ezra quickly submerged it beneath the calculating quality that had got him out of similar situations. This was the isolation deck, where there were no doubt other traitors to the Empire. Ezra hesitated.

Dare he look through the other cells for potential allies? There would be risks accompanied with increasing his numbers, but at the same time, it would increase his fighting strength...

No, there were probably alarms attached to the cell doors, ones that would put him right back where he came from. Ezra would escape alone. It would probably be easier to do so, as there weren't many people beside him that could fit in the ventilation shafts. But, before that happened, Ezra needed to find his gear.

It wasn't as though his slingshot was an overly effective weapon that was necessary, just... Well, is was nice to hold onto the darn thing. It was a memento of his past, his life on the streets of Lothal. It was special to him. So, Ezra headed down the path he'd heard the troopers come from, still holding the trooper's gun. If his gear was going to be anywhere, it'd be at the mouth of the corridor, not the end.

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