Chapter 16: The Second Botched Escape

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"Okay people, we need a game plan. Sensors tell us that there is definitely a ship out there, and it's a big one."

Murmurs echoed around the table as this new piece of information was acknowledged. Rescue from the Imperials was never an easy task, but Ezra was sure to be locked up in the highest security vault the Inquisitor could get. But anytime Kanan began to think of doubts, he would remember the raw scream that the Empire had delivered to him through the small black radio. Of Ezra's pain from torture that had led the group to this sector of space in the first-place. After that, he would spring back into the plan-making without further hesitation.

No one deserved to scream like that. To feel that. Especially not Ezra.

"Do we know any sort of blueprints about their layout?" Zeb inquired.

"They're big. Really big. Other than that, they should be the same layout as normal bucket-ships, just... bigger." Sabine supplied, summing up just about everything they knew about the Inquisitor's ship.

Even though the pair had been reluctant about hoping for Ezra once again, Zeb and Sabine had quickly become...not excited, but filled with a nervous anticipation. Much like Hera and Kanan. They were contributing as much as they could. Then again, they all were. This had to go right.

"Do you think that he'll be able to meet us half-way, like last time?" Kanan smiled slightly as a vivid memory of Ezra jumping down from an air-duct to be met with Zeb's fist replayed in his head. It quickly faded as he also remembered the intense agony that he had just felt his Padawan experience.

"I don't think so. Whatever they were doing to him, it wasn't pretty." Faces hardened around the table. No one liked to think about what was being done to their smallest crew member, but they were most definitely going to stop it. No exceptions.

"So where do you think the cells are gonna be?"

Kanan focused on the picture of the Star Destroyer on the table. The brig wouldn't be anywhere near the laughing bays, which would be a problem. They shouldn't be at the very tip of the ship, or at the very back, where a successful welding torch could cut a hole in the wall and free the prisoners. If anywhere, they should be somewhere in the middle layer, inaccessible from space, but easily to get to as to maintain the prisoners...

"There." He put a finger on a spot below the bridge, in the middle of the height of the entire ship. The others nodded their heads in assent, it seemed the only logical place to put the brigs. But that was the easy part.

"Now, the only reason that we succeeded last time was because we boarded them almost the exact moment that Ezra escaped. As the matter of his mobility is questionable, I doubt that he'll be able to do so again. We'll need to go all the way this time." Hera was taking charge, and Kanan had a feeling that it was her mother-hen instincts that told her to do so. They were going in to rescue Ezra, but they also needed to get out without losing anyone else.

"And this time, there are going to be a lot more than a couple bucket-heads. Even Zeb won't be able to bash all of their heads in." Zeb gave a half smile at Kanan's assessment. "We're gonna have to go in with moderate stealth, to get in as deep as we can and get out without losing anyone. Any ideas?"

Sabine answered his challenge. "That's not gonna be easy. As soon as the Ghost comes within range of their scanners, they're either gonna lock themselves up tight or run out of there. Maybe come in on the Phantom instead? They don't know her signature nearly as well."

"No, the Inquisitor personally put a tracker on the Phantom. I think he'll be looking for that as well."

"All right, then how about a different ship?" Hera's question hung in the air, and they all turned to look at her.

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