Chapter 27: End Game: Part II

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"Okay, okay. So while Zeb and I are running around, you're gonna go and leave us two to our own devices? That's not really like you, Kanan." Sabine had a point, but Kanan shrugged off the Mandalorian's comment.

"I have absolute faith that you two can handle yourselves without me. Especially with the blast-doors on your side again. Hera, you're absolutely sure you'll be able to hack through their systems again?"

The Twi'lek nodded, a firm look on her face.

"With the amount of credits we collected from all those jobs, I was able to purchase an advanced decoder. If Chop's going to be using it as well as his natural skills," the droid bleeped in acknowledgement, "then we should be able to hack and hold the doors for a lot longer."

Kanan raised an eye-brow. "When did you find time to buy a decoder?" Hera gave a sly grin in response. "While you were out cold, dear. We went and delivered the decoder from Hoth to Axle, and since we weren't sure when you'd regain consciousness, we went and stored up on supplies. I also upgraded the shields on the Ghost, so we should be able to remain fighting for longer."

Kanan smiled slightly before turning his attention back to the detailed maps and drawings they had on the table usually used for holo-chess. He was glad he could trust his crew to take care of themselves even without him.

For this operation, they had poured in all the knowledge they had about the Empire. What Tseebo had given them, what they'd gathered from their previous ops, Sabine's training in the Imperial Academy, everything. Their last failure had spurred all of them into action.

"Okay. And we all know the basic layout of the ship. Sabine, Zeb, you know what route to take?"

"'Course we do, boss. How could we not? We've hammered it down so many times I think it'd be impossible to forget." Zeb rumbled, pointing to all the lines the team had drawn on the maps of the Imminent Pursuit. Kanan nodded, then turned his attention to Chopper.

"You know how long you can hold the doors this time?" The astromech bleeped indignantly.

"Of course I appreciate how hard it is! That's why I'm asking you instead of Hera!" Chopper grumbled about some more, but assured Kanan that the doors would be theirs unless an emergency happened.

"My question is still how the Imps aren't gonna notice you boarding, Kanan. Flying the Phantom in and opening up an access hatch doesn't exactly speak 'sneaky' to me."

Hera took the question. "Don't worry, Sabine. Along with the decoder, there's also another signal masker on board. We'll install that into the Phantom so they won't register it. I'll be shooting as close to it's landing point as possible, so if there's an alarm attached to the access hatch, they'll just assume I've shot something in that area that triggered off the alarms. Kanan'll be completely under the radar."

Kanan nodded, then pulled out one of the diagrams that'd been buried under the others. "Remember you two, try to go as slow as you can. I'm gonna be hampered by all the different levels and cells, so just wait for my signal to head back to the hangar-bay. I'm gonna need your timing to be pretty precise if I want to get back the same way I got in." Sabine frowned.

"Why not just come back to the hangar with us? It'd increase our numbers and decrease the amount if flying we'd have to do." Kanan shook his head.

"It'll also increase the Inquisitor's panic. If the troopers see me and Ezra retreating along with you two, they're gonna tell him, and he'll rush in to stop us. If they just see you two retreating, that'll either put the Inquisitor to ease or keep him guessing as to what our plan is. If I go back the way I came and remain undetected, it'll buy me the time I need to get us both back to the access point to await pick-up for the Phantom." Sabine nodded.

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