Chapter 25: The Beginning of the End

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Your presence is not required on Kashyyyk, Inquisitor. I have my own business to attend to. Myrkr was far enough a diversion from your duties in the Outer Rim."

"Yes, Lord Vader. I understand." With a small technological beep, the hologram of Darth Vader's head disappeared. The Inquisitor raised his head from it's bow, glaring at the place where his master had previously been.

The Inquisitor understood, but he did not obey. This would be the end of Vader, and the beginning of a new rein in the galaxy. For once the Inquisitor took Vader's place, where else could he end up but in the Emperor's throne itself? That was the natural path of the Sith... to overcome one's master...

But the Inquisitor was not yet a Sith. In order to gain his name, he first had to over-throw his puppet-master. And now that the Bridger child was fully under his control... that dream was now going to be reality.

It was a pity, though, that the Inquisitor had had to reduce the child to nothing more than an obedient mass of flesh.

Granted, it was much easier to manipulate him without having to maneuver around his whimsey morals and feelings. But before, the child had been able to think for himself, which would have made him a much better fighter. But no matter. The Inquisitor could handle his tool being just slightly less useful than to not have it work at all.

He had shown signs of disobedience. No, not just signs... Bridger had actually refused an order from the Inquisitor. He would've normally just punished the child before moving on, but when the Inquisitor had moved in to investigate exactly what was causing the disturbance, he had been met with a memory. Of the Jedi.

The Inquisitor knew that the child believed with all of his heart that his family was dead. And he knew that the boy would do whatever it took to gain the power necessary to take revenge on the Inquisitor. He was perfectly fine with that.

However, if Bridger had been held back from gaining power by the few words of a rouge Jedi he believed dead... then that would lead to doubts about his power source, which would ultimately result in the child openly rebelling against him. And that would only lead to the boy's destruction.

However, this just made it that much easier as well. Years from now, when the Inquisitor overthrew the Emperor himself, he would not have an apprentice constantly seeking to dethrone him, instead he would have a completely obedient servant. Yes, perhaps this was all for the greater good.

The process itself was a simple one. Before, when the boy had first given in, the Inquisitor had merely tainted him with darkness, taking away any hesitancy to unleash his full power. Three single standard days ago, he had completely isolated the boy's self control center from the rest of his mind, leaving him just an empty shell, ready to take directions from his master.

Right now, the child was alone in his cell. He hadn't still fully recuperated, and the Inquisitor could see that a couple of I-84-B's cuts and gashes were infected. No matter. They were on their way to Kashyyyk even now, and a trip to the medical facilities onboard the Imminent Pursuit would only leave bulky bandages and gauzed areas. Even bacta, which they had plenty of, would take too long to operate efficiently, leaving the boy with limited and awkward mobility.

Of course, the Inquisitor wasn't planning on having the boy go into a direct confrontation with his master. That would just result in the immediate dispatchment of his so recently acquired tool. Instead, the Inquisitor himself would engage in lightsaber combat with Vader, while Bridger used his excellent connection to the Force to distract and engage Vader with mental fighting. With both of them using their best skill to the extreme, they would emerge triumphant, and the galaxy would only profit from it.

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