Chapter 33: Because it was the Will of the Force

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Sir. Lord Vader is requesting your presence aboard the Executor."

"Is he, now."

"Yes, sir. He says immediately."

The Inquisitor closed his eyes. This wasn't going to end well for him. Any way. He could either go ahead with the fight and just accept the outcome of the battle, or he could allow Vader to have his way with him. Either way had risks. Either way, he could end up dead.

He could simply live with whatever punishment Vader dolled out to him and continue to pursue Bridger. Or Vader would simply kill him.

He could fight Vader alone and win the fight through the most intense fighting he had ever been through. Or Vader would kill him.

What should he do? After all, the biggest problem was that Vader was that he had, at one point, been the Chosen One. He had a powerful connection to the Force, one that rivaled perhaps even the Emperor's. Without Bridger to nullify that connection, the Inquisitor would be almost completely powerless against the black menace, and- oh.

The Inquisitor's eyes snapped open. It was so simple.

Vader was a fearsome warrior because of his strong connection to the Force. The Inquisitor had onboard hundreds of Force-repelling Ysalimir.

The Inquisitor brought the communicator to his mouth and keyed in to one of his main officer's channels. "Have the Ysalimir brought to hangar-bay two. Immediately."

"Sir, yes sir!"

"And tell Lord Vader that I have something... out of the ordinary to show him that requires his personal presence."

"Yes, sir!"

The Inquisitor stood up, and walked briskly out of his quarters towards hangar-bay two. The oncoming fight had to be carefully planned out. His men would be kept out of the hangar-bay, as they would not support the fight against one of their superior officers. Vader, of course, would enter the ship with his elite soldiers, but they could be dealt with, escorted out of the bay before the fighting begun.

Why he hadn't thought of this before he had no idea... it was so simple, so mind-numbingly simple, but the Inquisitor had not thought to challenge Vader directly... because Bridger was important to the Force. Oooh, now he saw, Bridger was important, he was an important part of this battle. Just not directly.

Because, the Inquisitor wouldn't have gotten the Ysalimir without having the child as motivation, would he? That was why the Jedi didn't understand Bridger's importance, because only the Inquisitor would have been drawn to him... the Force did indeed work in mysterious ways. He hoped.

Now armed with the mind-set that his was indeed what the Force had meant for him, the Inquisitor lengthened his stride. It would not do to be late for a fight from destiny.

"Sir, as you ordered, Lord Vader has been asked to leave his personal guard in hangar-bay one."


"He refused, sir. He is en-route to hangar-bay two currently."

"Very well, officer. As soon as his entourage is through the doors, seal them until my command. What transpires in here is not to be monitored in any way, shape or form."

"Sir, yes sir!"

The Inquisitor put his communicator away and stood at parade-rest, in the middle of hangar-bay two, facing the doors. Vader's guards he could deal with quickly. While it was true the Inquisitor was no longer connected to the Force, he also had a lightsaber. The guards did not.

What was about to happen would go down in history as the turning point of the era, where one fearsome man would be replaced with another. Where the position for eventual ruler of the galaxy would be replaced with someone far more capable that he...

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