Chapter 31: End Game: Part VI

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Alright! The next chapter is out!

Again, I just want to thank all of you for your support and reviews. They really mean the world to me, and I can't thank you all enough.

Disclaimer: Star Wars: Rebels is not anywhere in the vicinity of my owning.

Kanan was almost out of the Imminent Pursuit. All he needed to do was jump up and out through the several holes he had cut through to get down to the appropriate levels. This wouldn't have been a problem if Ezra hadn't been slung over his shoulders.

He shouldn't have expected anything less. Since their last attempted rescue, four weeks had gone by. And before that, it had been three more. Ezra had been in enemy hands for seven weeks. Forty-nine days. Anyone in custody of the Imperials for that long would be in no better condition than Ezra was in now. Why hadn't they thought of the fact that he might be unconscious? It made navigation just slightly more difficult, and if he ran into any trouble, fighting would be nigh on impossible.

But Kanan didn't dare try to wake Ezra.

It didn't have anything to do with his health; though Kanan was sure that his Padawan would benefit from sleeping as much as he could. Mostly though, Kanan was afraid for Ezra's mental workings.

He had though Kanan was dead. He had been afraid when Kanan had entered the room, because he had though he was dead. It stood to reason, if Kanan woke him here and tried to explain that he wasn't dead while in the middle of enemy territory, he'd most likely just waste a bunch of time and miss the rendezvous with Zeb and Sabine.

No, leaving Ezra to sleep whatever the Imps had done to him out of his system was probably the best course of action Kanan could take. In the meantime, he had to get them both safely to the access hatch before the Inquisitor though to check up on Ezra.

He hadn't been too discreet as to what path he'd taken to get to the isolation decks. Any Imperial, Force-sensitive or not, would be able to clearly see the rows upon rows of holes he'd cut inside their cells, which led straight to where he was now. The only thing was, pretty soon they wouldn't be able to see Kanan. After all, after jumping up the multiple layers of ship he had cut through, the stormtroopers wouldn't be able to follow him.

Hopping through the first hole, Kanan made sure that Ezra wasn't being hit by any of the edges. A concussion wouldn't be the best to help whatever he had been through.

He only had one more floor to jump through when Kanan felt him: the Inquisitor. He was moving at speeds Kanan would have though impossible, rapidly converging on his location. Well. Now that his cover was blown, he desperately hoped that Sabine would be at the hatch in time. A fight with the Inquisitor while towing an unconscious human male would only end in tears.

Kanan leaped through the final hole, arriving at the level just below the hull of the Imminent Pursuit. He almost fell right back down it when he entered the Ysalimir's range of Force-repellence; he had almost forgotten they were there. No matter. The little creatures would help keep the Inquisitor out of the range of Ezra, and buy Kanan a few more seconds of time.

Though, at the speed the Inquisitor was approaching them, Kanan doubted that a few seconds would matter much.

However, as he did so, Ezra gave a little gasp from on Kanan's shoulder. It wasn't pain; well, not that he doubted he was in pain anyways, but just a small reaction to being cut of from the Force. He was still very much unconscious, however. It was then that Kanan spared a though to exactly what the Inquisitor could have done mentally to his Padawan. With the amount of skill that the Pau'an possessed, quite a lot. Yet another reason that he had to get Ezra out of there now.

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