Part 5; New Year's Eve, Chapter 1; The Diner

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Our four heroes, the four who survived the touch of death, the four who felt guilt, the four who are all connected by death, are met on a day of living. A day of change and second chances. New year's eve. The magical day. In fact, when it's new year's eve, anything's possible. Some may not believe that, but to these four, it's the only hop they hold on to, the only thing they find peace in, and the one thing that let them find what they couldn't find all their lives. Someone who understands them. And i guess that's all we all need in this world, to understand and be understood. Unlike everyone, our fellows were in New York, but they weren't in Times Square, if they were, fate would've done one hell of a job to get them together, and fate is not so free on new year, fate has a lot of people to get together and a lot of people to be born and a lot to die on that day.
Our friends, were at a diner, it was 10:30 when Lucas and Leena came in
"It's the new year people don't you have something better to do?" Said the waiter from behind the counter
"No but i'll have a hot chocolate, thanks" said Leena
On the table beside them, there was Keith, sitting alone, he lost his popularity at school after what happened, the events caused him personality disorders and night terrors, he was alone and Leena hates seeing lonely people, he wasn't just alone he looked lonely, he didn't look like he's waiting for someone, he didn't look happy, he didn't look sad, he simply looked empty and lonely.
"Hey, are you alone or you're waiting for someone?" Asked Leena
"Umm, no i'm alone" answered Keith
"Then come sit with us"
"Uhh, are you sure?" Keith looked very uncertain
"If i wasn't sure i wouldn't have asked kid, come over here"
"Yeah, thanks"
Keith went over and sat with them
"Yo lazy waitress three bears, you're not underage right?"
"No, i'm ninteen"
"Cool, what's your name?"
"Nice ta meet ya Keith, I'm Leena, that's my friend Lucas"
"Wait you two are not dating?"
"Nah, but it's a future plan"
"Like midnight times square future plan"
"Midnight yes, times square no" said Lucas
"Why not?"
"Too crowded"
"So where're you from Keith?"
"I lived most of my life in Canada but i'm half American, to be honest i like it here better,"
"Why do you like here more than the place you've been raised at?"
"Mostly because no one knows me here, it's away from everyone i know, like fresh start, except it's a real one"

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