The thing about Taos

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You and Morty were in the hospital walking through the hallways to see if Yoh had woken up, you were beginning to get worried.  Morty frowned. Why didn't Rio and the others stay? I mean he saved Yoh's life!" You sighed. "Well some people just don't want anything to do with other people's problems Morty..." You said whilst opening the door to Yoh's room. When you opened the door he was awake, Morty ran over to him. You sighed in relief. "Thank goodness...your awake!" You smiled and walked up to him, hugging him softly. "Yeah, but all I remember is Rio riding up, I was hoping that you two could tell me what happened next" you and Morty smiled. "It was so awesome!" Morty marveled. "Yeah, they rode their bikes right up to Lenny just as he was about to finish you off! You were frozen and Rio pulled you onto his bike and got  you out of there in no time!" You told Yoh.  He smiled "yeah, where is Rio?"
"Oh he went back to monument hill~"
"how do you know tha-"
"cos I do~"
Yoh began laughing and called up Amidamaru. The samurai was being comforted by Eclipse. He said about how he had made a beginner's mistake by underestimating his opponent. 'Ah it's ok Amidamaru, everyone ,makes mistakes, it's all part of life and what makes us who we are~'   Eclipse told him. You smirked slightly "seems to me that you like Amidamaru Eclipse!" Eclipse and Amidamaru blushed madly and you laughed. Suddenly Morty spoke up "hey uh what's this shaman tournament thing about anyway?" Yoh turned to him "the tournament only takes part every 500 years, I found that out when I was 6, so did (F/N)" "oh I remember that!! When master Yohmei threw you into the river! That was when I found my guardian ghost!" You remembered the day clearly.


"YOUR NOT CONCENTRATING!!!" Yohmei shouted at your young friend. You giggled as Yoh ran around trying to beat up Yohmei's leaf spirits. 'That boy is failing dramatically...' You jumped around in fright and saw a woman's ghost standing by the river. Her silver hair was flowing beautifully in the wind and her blue eyes shone brightly. You stared at her. "Hi...uh...what's your name?" She smiled at you, "my name is Eclipse Suzuki, I am an assassin. I died 500 years ago and my spirit has remained here ever since." She explained to you. Suddenly you heard master Yohmei shout at you "(F/N)!!!" You turned around and your 6 year old eye widened. Yoh's leaf spirit was heading straight for you. "Oh no!!" You screamed, suddenly Eclipse was in a small flame ball in your hand, "(F/N) quick! Put me into your chest!!" Your eyes widened even more, your ruby was in your chest. "O-ok!" You plunged the ball into your ruby and a light feeling came about you, you had a knife in your hand. The leaf spirit came closer and you struck it. After that you found your self in a bed. "What happened?" You asked Yoh. "You made unity for the first time!!" He shrieked making Anna smack his head. "Be quiet moron!" You giggled. From that moment on Eclipse stayed by you. You also found out that Yoh wanted to be a rockstar when he was older..

*end flashback*

After that story Yoh kept making jokes about how he was going to be a rockstar after he became shaman king. You felt a presence looking at you from through the window so you called out "ok! Bason get your ass in here!! Why does everyone spy on me?!" The Chinsese ghost flew in. "How did you-"
"because I'm awesome" "wha-" "haha!!" The ghost turned to Yoh "why is the girl my master likes doin that?" You blushed madly and fell over laughing. "It's because she likes you!" Bason turned to your laughing form, he had to admit you did look pretty cute when you smiled, "I can see why my master likes you" "what!!" You shrieked as you sat up. Bason smiled and flew out of the window, you ran to the window only to see Len smirking. "Go away Lenny, come back some other time!!" You shouted at him. "Not until Yoh is properly finished off!!" "Yeah well he can't go from a hospital bed to a battle field so yeah!" "Actually  (F/N) I'm kinda already there so.." You looked down and saw Yoh with Amidamaru and Morty. "Ok, when we get home I'm so beating you up with a spatula!!!" You shouted as you jumped out of the window. "But, for now, I'm fighting Lenny." You smirked. "Aww, that's really cute (F/N)! But unfortunately I'm only here for Yoh and I can't afford my future shaman queen to be hurt or worse by me~" "oh I'm afraid you don't have a choice, YA see I wanna try out something...different...that's fine with you right Yoh?" "Yeah sure! Go ahead (F/N)!" Len smeared and grabbed your hand, leading you to the graveyard. When you got there you ripped your shirt open revealing your shining ruby. And part of your (color) bra. Len blushed slightly but got out his kuandao. "ECLIPSE!!! INTO THE RUBY!!! BODY POSSESSION!!!" You shouted and eclipse was sent soaring into your ruby. You hair grew longer and went a shade lighter than it's normal colour. Your eyes turned pale blue (if your eyes are already blue then they would turn purple) also your *ahem* chest went a lot bigger than it normally would, so your top was unbuttoned a lot more. You gripped your katana and knives strongly and stared at Len, who had made unity with Bason. He lunged at you but you blocked it with your knife. "I hope you don't get too mad when I kill you to redeem my title in the family dear~" he said to you, you grimaced and caught his  cheek with the knife. This would be a short battle. As you both threw punches at each other and tried to hit each other you had stored up enough energy to land a huge hit on Lenny, unfortunately it would wear you out but it should stop the boy. "Miracle hit!!!" You shouted and hit Len, causing him to skid back and land on a tree. You smirked "serves you right for underestimating Eclipse and I~" suddenly a wave of pressure came over you and you found your self on the ground and everything going black.

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now