The forbidden forest

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Ayame and Mei Rin stayed with Anna, Pilica and Tamara, however they went with Morty when he went to find the others.
"I think we're lost..." Rio moaned as you came to a stop. Tokagero tried to get a bird's eye view but failed. "Even we spirits aren't free to move around here..." "Well then we'll just have to keep trying!" You stated before a high pitched buzzing noise met your ears. "Where's that-" An explosion took place around you, causing you to jump. The dust cleared and you were all standing on an area of land in the middle of a deep ring caused by the mystic beam. "You guys go, I'll take care of these two!" Trey told you. You and Yoh looked at him. "You sure?" You asked him. "Yeah!" He winked at you "I'll be fine!" You blushed but smiled, Yoh grabbing your hand and pulling you with the others. Eventually most of you were fighting different followers of Zeke. You stuck with Yoh whilst you ran through the forest trying to find the star sanctuary. You ran into a clearing to see Zeke. And 3 dead X-Laws. Yoh screamed for them to stop as you ran over to check if Morty was ok. The spirit of fire went to devour the fallen X-Laws' spirits. Lyserg summoned Chloe and she fused with the fallen spirits of the X-Laws and their guardian spirits. You watched in awe. Marco dropped to the floor. "Lyserg I'm so sorry! For all the times i doubted you! What you've done's-" "A miracle..." Jeanne stepped out of her iron maiden. "We're so proud of you Lyserg. And you Chloe." You looked on before having wide eyes as she turned to you. 'what's she going to say?' you thought. She smiled. "You've become more powerful (y/n). I'm so proud of you. Please forgive me for what happened at the Babylon gate..." You were about to answer her before the ground began to shake. "You cannot be here! You must leave or you will be destroyed!" A loud voice echoed through the forest. "Who is that?!" Morty asked. "It is the king of spirits." Zeke explained. "And he's just fallen right into my trap..." He laughed maniacally. Suddenly beams of light burst from the ground. One right next to you. You jumped away from it. "WOAH!! THAT WAS CLOSE!!" You heard Trey scream. "Damn it Trey!!" You shouted back. You, Yoh and Morty ran into the nearest beam of light. "(y/n) wait!" You heard Jeanne's soft voice speak behind you. You turned around. "Apologies can wait for now Jeanne. Right now we need to stop Zeke!" You told her before running after the 2 boys.

You walked through the desert, looking to either of your sides. "Oh jeez where are the boys now?" you sighed before hearing an explosion. You jumped to the direction it echoed from and began running. Your running came to a stop when you saw what was in front of you. You saw Len. On the ground with blood surrounding him. Trey was holding up an ice shield whilst Faust, Joco and Rio tried to heal Len. Lyserg was also fighting against Zeke's followers. "L-Len?! Guys what the hell happened?!" You shouted as you ran up. "(y/n)! Be careful! These guys are stronger than ever!" Rio shouted at you. "I don't care! I'll destroy these guys on my own if i have to Eclipse!!" You summoned her into your ruby. You swung your sword out of the stone and it pierced the ground, "Purest moonlight mother fuckers!!!" You screamed as your armor appeared again. "Aw look at the little girl~ she's all upset because we killed her friend!" You growled before launching yourself at them. Knocking the giant skeleton back again and again. Tears pouring down your face from your rage. "Lyserg now!!" You shouted as he swooped in and sliced the giant calavera in half. You turned to where Len was and gasped as you saw some of Zeke's followers running towards them. "no!!!" You screamed as you bloked their attacks just before they reached Faust. You felt their furioku cut your cheek and shoulder before you were sent plummeting towards the ground. You hit the ground before Eclipse could come out of purest moonlight. "(y/n)!! (y/n)!!" she cried as Luchist's spirit sent it's weapon towards you. "(y/n)!! Get up!! Please!!" She cried along with Trey and Rio as they ran towards you. Suddenly you were gone. And standing where you were lying before. Was Bason in his giant spirit form. You were scooped up from the ground. "What the?" Zeke's followers asked. "What are you doing up?! You were meant to be a goner!!" "I'm sorry did you say a goner? Don't make me laugh! Do you know who I am?! It takes much more than a fatal blow to bring me down!" "That's right...master Len..." Bason said with waterfall tears. "Y-You big dummy!! Do you realise how worried we were about you?!" "I know...You all saved my friends...and I thank you..." The others were shocked whilst Len looked at you. He noticed your tear stains. "You were crying...because of me...I'm sorry (y/n)...I promise never to make you cry again..." He told you quietly. The last 5 of Zeke's followers jumped at Len as he jumped down at them and finished them off. When he landed and the others ran up to him you opened your eyes. You looked at the others and then Len. "L-Len...Len?!" You cried before hugging him. He took a step back, shocked at the sudden show of affection. "Please don't make me worry about you again have no idea how stressful it was for me..." You whispered to him. "Don't's not going to happen again." You smiled and jumped out of his arms. "Hey (y/n) you ok?" Trey asked you, putting a hand on your cheek where the cut was. "y-yeah I'm fine." "Trey..." Len growled before you turned around and looked at him. You smirked and walked up to him. His once jealous eyes widened as you kissing his cheek. "Thanks you big sap~" You said before walking past him. Red slowly made its way up his face before he chased after you. You turned around "Come on guys! Lyserg! Whats the hold up?!" laughing they ran after you and, the still red, Len.  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now