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  You were lying in a hospital bed, Yoh waiting for you to get up and Morty watching your peaceful face as you slept. "Do you think she's gonna wake up soon?" Morty asked Yoh. "I don't know...for now let's go get some drinks from the vending machine, come on Amidamaru!" The three walked/floated out of the room. When the door shut your eyes flashed open. 'Mistress (F/N)! Your awake!" You smiled at Eclipse "yup! And you don't have to tell me what happened either, I remember it all!" Suddenly the door opened and revealed Yoh and Morty. Yoh had a huge grin on his face. "Hey guys, how long was I out?" You asked "2 days" Morty told you. Looking a little worried. You shrugged not being very concerned, you've done worse. "Eh, I've done worse, once I slept for a whole week without even a sleep talk!" Yoh burst out laughing. "What are you so chipper about?" A familiar and feminine voice came from the door. You turned your head to see Anna.
"Oh hey Anna!"
"Oh Anna! Come in!"
You smiled,
"Yeah, me, (F/N) go way back!"
Anna frowned "I am his wife!" Amidamaru and Morty looked shocked. "WIFE?!" You smiled. "I think she meant fiancé guys calm down!" "(F/N) please say that your not engaged to someone aswell and that your not as crazy as Anna!" Morty pleaded. You grinned. "Pffffhahahaha!!! Nope! I'm just fine being single!" This discouraged Yoh and Morty a little. "Anyway, go get me a drink shorty." Anna commanded Morty, Yoh leaving a few seconds after. "So Anna, how've ya been?" You asked the blonde girl. "I've been fine (F/N), how about you?" You laughed lightly. "Well, I've nearly been violated by a crazy Chinese kid with a British accent who, I will confess, was kind of cute, almost killed myself by using miracle hit and beat up a guy trying to be Elvis! So yeah, I'm good!" Anna giggled, "same old (F/N)!" When Yoh and Morty came back in she had Amidamaru wrapped in her beads and Yoh nearly bust-a-bandage. When you got back to the house Anna made Yoh train extremely hard and made Morty do the cooking. As for you, you decided to go for a walk. You were walking down the road when you heard someone grumbling "it's insulting to think I need help from-" "hey!! Lenny!!!" You shouted, running up to the boy, he turned around, saw you and walked faster. "Heeey!!!" You shouted again, running faster. You grabbed his arm making him blush and rip his arm away. "What do you want (F/N)?!" He shouted at you. You smirked. "I just wanted to see my favourite Chinese kid with the most adorable British accent!" You smiled sweetly making len blush even more. You began smiling even more as well . "Awww! You like me~!" Len smirked but blushed at the way you were staring at him. "Maybe I d-" "I knew it!" "wha-" "hahahaha!!!" Len stated at you dumfounded "you really are one hell of a girl" "one hell of a a butler I think you mean!" Len raised his eye brow. "Alright love, whatever you say...also what was that about earlier?" 'That means that she likes you!' Eclipse stepped in. Len smirked and brought you closer to him. "So you like me huh?" You smiled and backed away. "Yup~! See ya!" You ran back to the house. Len was left standing there, staring at your beautiful figure running away. "One day (F/N) day you'll be all mine..." He mumbled to himself. "I don't know about that Len~" len turned around to see Jun and Bason. "Yes, I'm sorry master but I have a feeling that she will be a hard one to get and that Yoh Asakura might have feelings for her as well!" Len gritted his teeth. "
No matter what...I will not loose to him!"     

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now