Saving Lenny!! part 2!

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  The Tao mansion. It was huge. You guys walked up to the doors and looked at morty. "Morty, remember, this isnt like the shaman fights...there are no rules...heh heh..." You smirked darkly. Morty shivered slightly. You put Eclipse's spirit into your chest ruby and your (h/c) hair grew longer and a shade lighter, your (e/c) eyes turned pale blue (if they are already pale blue then they turn purple) and your chest grew bigger than it normally would. You gripped your new twin katanas and grinned. "shall we?" Rio asked and Trey smirked "we shall..." you took off running but a blade was thrown infront of you
"end of the road...."
"If you are not in the mood to be wiped out"
"then you have come to the wrong place"
"the Jhotto guard is here to squash you like cockroaches!"
Bason's spirit ball mode eyes widened "No! not the Jhotto guard!"
Trey got his cocky attitude back "yeah just go ahead and try to squash us! just see what happens!" You placed your hand on Trey's shoulder. "they look like a bunch of broken toys to me..." one of them with leopard features transported infront of you three. "broken? i'm afraid you are the one about to be broken..." he pulled a sword out and slashed Rio down the front. "Rio!" You shouted as he collapsed. "bastard!" You said "one down and 5 to go!" You snarled suddenly they were all on top of you in the air "Trey! Now!" "Right!" you grabbed Yoh and Morty whilst Trey grabbed Rio and moved away from the Jhotto guard's attack. "well dont master Trey and Mistress (y/n), you managed to dodge the combined attack of the Jhotto guard whilst holding two other people." "Bason you sound like a video game!" You laughed lightly Trey walked up to the Jhotto guard, his face was full of anger, you followed him and attacked the snake bodied guard and he attacked the elephant bodied one, smashing it to pieces after freezing it. You however, used both of your twin blades to cut off the guard's arms and then sliced the guard's body u[ rapidly and mercilessly, making Yoh, Trey, Morty and the recently awoken Rio to sweat drop. When the body pieces fell to the floor you smirked "looks like its 1 left then..." You lifted your face to reveal a sadistic smile. "Who wants to scream~?" the guard leaped at you and pinned you to the ground "(y/n)!" Your face was frozen in fear for a second before the smile came back. "what are you smiling about child?! do you look forward to death?!" "no..." you disappeared from underneath him and appeared behind him, putting your swords back into their holders. "but its obvious that you are~" when the katanas were fully into their holders a click was heard and the guard that had been on top of you burst into a million pieces. "now then, how about you two stay here and lok after this other guy," another Jhotto guard had appeared, one with chainsaws for hands, "whilst me and Yoh go find lenny and Jun~!" You laughed as you ran through the double doors leading to the dungeons. "Lenny! You in here?! LENNY?! JUN?!" You practically screamed.

*With Len and Jun*

"Lenny! you in here?! LENNY?! JUN?!" Len heard your heavenly and angelic voice and raised his head. "(y/n)..." Jun smirked "so thats the girl you like huh? the one who you apparently want to prove your love to?" Len blushed madly as Jun laughed. '(y/n)...please don't do uncle could kill you...and if that happened...' Len couldn't even think of it.

*back to you*

Two huge guards appeared, they had tubes poking in and out of them. As they approached you slashed them with your twin katanas shouting "DUO MIRACLE SLASH!!!" a huge explosion took place and you were left standing in front of Jun and Len's cell, smiling like an idiot. Len chuckled at this. Yoh unlocked his shackles. You doing the same for Jun, catching her as she fell down and setting her down on her knees.
"Boy, I've been grounded before but this...."
"uncles not exactly the 'go to your room' type..."
"yeah no shit!"
You laughed at Len glare at you playfully. "master Len, I'm so happy your ok!" Bason said crying tears of joy. "thank you for saving us you two now lets go Len, right now" Jun said, having a worried look on her face. Len tightened his belt. "go if you want, I'm staying here, I intend to finish what I started!" he said whilst pulling his kuan dao out of the rocks.
"please Len, lets go"
"we're not leaving?"
"there's no need to put your self into any more danger Len! I'm sure you made your point lets just get out of here!"
You nodded "I'm going to have to go with these three on this one Len..." You looked to the side. "you don't understand..." he started coldly. "I cannot go until i set things straight with my uncle...this is my business...just leave me..." You sighed. "well...guess we're meeting his uncle!" you said and skipped off after Len. Yoh followed you. You were currently using all of your energy trying to keep up with Len, he was speed walking, trying to keep away from you. "come on Lenny! slow down! where's the fire?! cant we just talk about this?!" You ran up to his side, this scene kind of reminded you of when you saw the boy walking down the road and you blushed slightly. "I have nothing to say." He said stubbornly. "Ok fair enough but we do! the least you can do is hear us out, we came all this way just to rescue you and-" Yoh started "i would've gotten out myself!!" (y/n)'s angry meter was rising again. "I would've...some how..." "Len!" "oh I understand...I'm supposed to say thank you for saving me, that's how the whole friendship thing works I suppose...well look. My uncle is the one who...he is the one who wants me to become shaman the family would have ultimate power he wanted me to rule the world with a vicious iron fist...he's the one who planted this hatred in me!" (y/n)'s anger levels rising, warning warning, any more and she'll explode!! "he's the one who taught me that destruction was the only way to survive, he placed this symbol on my back as a reminder, he said that things would never change, that i would never change. just like this symbol will never fade..." WARNING!!! WARNING!!! (Y/N) IS APPROACHING LEN!!!! You grabbed Len's shoulder and slammed him into the wall next to him. "listen Len...we came all this way to fucking rescue you and this is the fucking thank you we get...? and then a fucking lecture about how your uncle is the one who wants you to become shaman king and you don't want us to help you prove to him that your able to make your own decisions in life?! WE ARE GOING WITH YOU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT AND YOU CAN'T STOP US!!!" you shouted at him, your hair looking like flames and your eyes glinting dangerously. Len's eye widened in shock. He had never seen you like this. 'sh-she actually cares about much that she'll get angry about my safety...?' "But (y/n)...there is no other way and you-" "and what?!" "....I don't want you getting uncle is like nothing you've ever seen..." You gritted your teeth. Yoh walked up to him and put his arm around Len's shoulder. "well if we cant change your mind then we'll watch your back!" "No this is my-" "look we'll just tag along! besides i think that if you try and stop us from going with you then i think that (y/n) might just end up killing everyone!" Yoh joked whilst you had cooled down and smiled. "nope! all calm now!" Len couldn't help but smile at that. "yeah! and we'll only step in if-" "no stepping in!" Suddenly an explosion shook the whole dungeon. You ran back at full speed along with Len. "Jun!" He shouted as he saw Pai-long standing in a huge hole. You sighed with relief and stepped towards Pai-long. "thank god its only-" You were cut off by Len putting his hand out to stop your from going any further. "no, this is not Pai-long as we know him." "what do you mean?" "Uncle has captured him and took control of him...who knows what he'll make him do..." suddenly a bright purple light surrounded Pai-long and he rose up in the air. "a transformation spell! lee pai-long is shape shifting!" You gasped as a huge dragon stood before you and Len. "Lenny...what do we do?!" You asked in panic. "what you will do is stop gawking and get out of here! i can handle this myself!" You sighed. "fine, I will give you 10 seconds to finish off this dragon other wise I'm stepping in." You stood back. But got knocked into a wall by the dragon. You glared at it with murderous intent. "the" You pulled out your twin katanas and ran up to it, slashing at it's face and back. You kept dodging the attacks but only slightly. Jun proceeded to throw a talisman at the dragon but Len sliced it in half. "Don't add power to power! it will only make the peril more perilous!" You burst out laughing and fell over on the floor along with Yoh before wiping your eye and saying "and those were Lenny's words of wisdom kids!" Len blushed like made and pointed his katana at Yoh "don't laugh you!" "b-but that speech made no fucking sense!!" you burst out laughing again. "it meant that if the talisman got attached it could absorb the power and use it against us!" "but how is anything controlling him?! there's no talisman attached and I've never seen a spirit hunter transform without-" "without...that's it!" Len put Bason into his kuan dao and Yoh looked at him confused. "whats it?" "must i explain everything to you?! hurry up, create spirit control! alright then, this is the part where i admit that we have to work together!" "jeez about time!" "uncle is sending his furioku into Pai-long, its a form of spirit control!" You gasped and sent half of Eclipse's spirit into the katana's still keeping one half inside of you for your body possession. "LETS BREAK THIS THING!!!" Len laughed at how excited you were "my uncle's furioku is strong! we must strike at the exact same time to sever his control!" the dragon roared and lunged at you, you three jumped in the air and attacked at the exact same time. The spirit control shattered and Pai-long's body returned to normal. "I cant thank you enough Yoh and (y/n) that's the second time you've saved him!" You smiled and stood next to Jun. As Len walked off Yoh followed him and they started arguing again. "you know (y/n)..." You looked at Jun "You definitely are an amazing girl" you blushed "W-where did you get that idea?!" "from Len!" You looked confused "wait...but I've only been around him 4 times!" Jun smiled. "he talked about you a lot!" you blushed. "W-what do you..." Your eyes widened and you took a step back. " your implying that Len has feelings for me..." Jun nodded as you smirked. "I'll keep that in mind..." with that you sped off after them, making sure that you jumped on Len's back when you reached them. "Get off (y/n)!" "no!" "get off I say!!" "no!!!" this carried on for quite a while before len thought of the benefits and decided to carry you. When you got through the double doors however, you saw Trey and Rio, both being held by the head Jhotto guard, who was Pai-long's mentor...i forgot his, oh well, see you guys in the next chapter!!

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now