Dobie village here we come!

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  You and the gang had only gotten back into town for an hour before your oracle bells rang. They read that the next round of the shaman fights were going to be taking place in a town called Dobie village in America. There was stress everywhere, mostly with getting the tickets to fly to America and you had your school finals coming up. "oh (y/n)! you should come with us tomorrow night! we're gonna hang out in town! its gonna be awesome for a last good bye to this city before we leave for America!" Trey told you. You fake thought about it and smiled "sure! it wouldn't hurt!" Trey fist pumped. "oh that reminds me! we have to ask Lenny!" You nodded and began walking towards his hotel. When you got to the door you knocked and Bason flew through the door. "oh hello mistress (y/n)!" he greeted you happily, seconds after the door was opened by Jun, she was smiling. "hello (y/n)! Lenny! someone's here for you!" Len walked into the room and blushed slightly when he saw you. "(y/n) what are you doing here?" he asked you. You grinned, "well me, Yoh, Trey and Rio are going to hook up later to do some planning, you wanna come with?" Len smiled at your excitement, "well why could hurt, besides at least there will be one sane person there"
"eh, semi sane!"
you laughed at Len sweat dropping. "come on then!" you grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the hotel room, dragging him down the corridor and onto the streets, you saw Trey, Morty, Yoh and Rio in a cafe booth and turned to Len, telling him to be quiet as you sneaked up to the window. You jumped up and banged on the window in such speed that Yoh choked on his drink and Trey fell on the floor. You laughed your butt off and ran into the cafe. "Hey guys! whats the haps?" Trey got up from the floor "for one you nearly killed Yoh and now I have soda in my hair!!" he yelled at you making you laugh even more. "why did you do that (y/n)?!" Yoh asked you when he calmed down, "because I knew that it would scare you!" You smiled deviously and sat down with Len. "Len! Dude, we thought that you wouldn't make it!" Trey said, wrapping an arm around you just to annoy the other boy. You pinched the skin on Trey's hand and he got off you. After that you guys spent until 11pm being idiots and having fun. When you got back to your house you went straight to bed.

The next day you got on a bus and Rio started singing. After around 5 minutes of singing you had had enough so you punched him and held his ear with your nails. (its painful...i should know...i learned the hard way... ;-;) You got off the bus still with your nails attached to Rio and saw Morty waving at the gates. Rio, trying to keep himself from screaming in pain, greeted Len, who was incredibly annoyed that you guys were late. "uh..(y/n)? why are you holding Rio's ear with your nails?" you let go of Rio
"ask him that..."
"she didn't like my singing!"
"yes well who wouldn't?"
Rio saw the plane and gasped "don't tell me that luxurious machine of aviation is your families jet!" You stared at it as well, astounded. Len was beaming with pride. "we have a dozen more just like it~" Yoh asked Morty about a guy called Zeke. Just before Morty could reply a voice came from behind you. "your taking a plane to the western desert?" you turned around and your eyes widened. "Yoh...explain why he looks like you...please..." you mumbled, still staring at the strange boy. "I am using spirit control to fly the whole way~" The boy said, winking at you flirtatiously. You blushed and Len glared at the boy "did you say spirit control? so your a shaman?" "and my guess is that your some kind of wakko-nut job shaman, there's no way you can fly to America with just spirit control!" Trey and Len both said, giving the boy suspicious looks. "maybe you can't, however my spirit control is way more powerful than yours!" The boy stated making Rio and Trey angry. They beganto speak but the boy sent a wave of energy to knock them over. "Rio! Trey! whats wrong with you?!" You asked the boy who merely smirked. "what was that you were about to say blue hair?" Len caught them with Bason "very impressive, now what is that 'thing' behind you supposed to be?" there was indead a huge red spirit behind the boy, Len went to attack him but got knocked back too. "Len!" you rushed over and helped him sit up. "so whats the big idea? you just trying to show off or what?!" Yoh asked, "you took pretty good care of the flying Zen brothers the other day, they told me all about you~" "the flying Zen brothers?" "yes, and that girl who is helping pointy head get up has a beautiful voice and a lot of potential~" You blushed as Len's grip on you got tighter. "that must be Zeke!" Morty said as the spirit lunged at Yoh. The two fought for a bit but Yoh got beaten. "how did you get into the second round?" Zeke mocked, knocking Yoh over "I'm going to need you to get stronger than that, i have a lot of plans for you and they don't involve you being weak..." "what do you mean 'plans'?" Zeke smirked and a small African girl appeared behind him with a lot of other people. Zeke hopped onto his somehow flying flamiing spirit of impending doom and set off to America. You just stared at him and it turned into a glare. You guys got on the plane and you looked out of the window. Morty was there waving, you gave him a small wave back and closed your eyes, leaning against the window and falling into a deep sleep. Whilst the boys secretly fanboy over how cute you look.

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now