team lizard skins

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  "Ayame? Rio?" You called their names as you wondered through the streets of Dobie village. You came to a stop as you heard slithering. Your eyes widened. 'This can't be good!" You thought as you broke into a sprint. You skidded to a stop when you were wrapped in a scaly tail sort of thing. "W-what the?!" You cried as you were dragged into an alleyway. "Mistress?!" Eclipse shouted after you. "(y/n)?!" Two other voices called before you were slammed harshly into a wall and fell unconscious.

"(y/n)?" "Mistress?" "(y/n) wake up!!" Your eyes opened slowly and you groaned, feeling a pain in your head. You looked to see Eclipse, Rio and Ayame. Rio was holding some creepy guy in his 20's with long dark green hair. "What happened?" You asked tiredly. "This guy-" Rio held up the creepy pedo looking guy "Attacked you because he found out from Nichrom that we're his opponents for the next match! Its tomorrow at 2pm in the arena!" Ayame explained, hitting the man on the head multiple times in the process. "It's only because he is weak Mistress" The man suddenly perked up. "1'M NOT WEAK!!!!" He shouted, gaining another hit. "Why are you launching surprise attacks on your opponents then huh?!" Eclipse asked him angrily. Rio threw him onto the street and walked out after him. Holding you bridal style as he began walking towards the cafe. "You do realise that the boys will probably kill you for holding her like that?" Ayame said whilst jogging alongside him. "I don't care" He said with a pokerface. Which quickly changed into a love struck school boy's face. "As long as my shaman queen is safe ~~!" He exclaimed as he threw the doors open to the cafe. You were just kind of in Rio's arms confused about pretty much everything. "So I found them...and got attacked in the process!" Len was the first to stand up. He looked at Rio and held out his arms. "Give her to me. Now." "WHa-No! I'm not letting me future shaman queen go!" "Rio..." Len growled. A dangerous aura surrounded him before someone else's arms wrapped around you. You looked up and saw Yoh with his usual smile. "So are you ok?" "Hey no fair!!" Len and Rio shouted at him. You sat you down at the table and you nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine! Rio and Ayame saved me!" "Why did he attack you anyway?" You explained why the strange pedo man attacked you to the others and Len got more ready to kill the guy by the second. "So a bit like what Nyorai did?" Joco asked. You nodded and he smirked. "He ideals have passed on!!" You stood up and extended an arm. *smack!* "Shut up Joco!!" (That was Len)

"Welcome shaman! Today's shaman fight is between team Lizard skins and team Gesshoku! The ruled remain the same! the first team to destroy their opponent's furioku wins and advances to the next fight! shamans! FIGHT!!" Silva announced as the man who attacked you before, his name is now Drake, lunged at you. "You should have really let me kill you yesterday so you wouldn't have had to fight me today!!" "Do you really think I'd give up so easily?! ECLIPSE INTO THE RUBY!!" You shouted as Eclipse merged with your ruby. You swung out the massive sword from the other day and smirked at Drake's terrified face. Ayame was whipping the shit out of the two others and Rin Mei was about to land the finishing blow on them. Drake snarled and swung a huge whip, even bigger than Ayame's, at you. You dodged it but it still caught a bit of your arm. You flinched and landed, swinging your sword at Drake mercilessly. "You know what Drake?! I'm finished with your shit!!" You screamed as your sword plunged down on him. No he wasn't dead. He used his spirit control to protect himself. But also lost spirit control and all of his furioku. You smirked and dropped your sword, causing it to vanish. "The winner is team Gesshoku!!" Silva announced as the crowds cheered. "Yeah (y/n)!!!" "woo!!" Your friends cheered from the stands and you smiled, waving up to them along with Ayame and Rin Mei.

"Indeed she is powerful...she will make a very good X-Law..."

"Yes she is very powerful...Just what I need in a shaman queen..."  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now