Saving lenny part 3!!!

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Well, lenny was down, Yoh was down and so were Trey and Rio. Morty was the only one still up because he had no place in the fight. Even En knew that. You stared at your friends in anger, with tears streaming down your face, as bad as a doctor you are, you thought that they were dead. You screamed and lunged at the Jhotto guard, transporting behind him. "so, you are the famous (y/n) huh? En has been talking about you a lot lately..." You got annoyed at this and shouted "how does everyone in this damn house know who I am?!" "simple, Len was talking about you in his sleep." you looked at Len's unconscious face and sighed. You attacked the Jhotto head again and again. however, it was no use. The Jhotto head slammed your head into the nearest wall, knocking you unconscious and carried you off to where En was. When he got back the boys were just getting back up. Trey looked around "wait...WHERE'S (Y/N)??!?!!" Len gasped and looked around, his eyes surging with anger as he looked at the Jhotto head. "what did you DO WITH HER?!?" he shouted at the head who laughed. "she is with your uncle Len!" Len's rage caught up with him and he attacked. It was luck that Jun arrived and she was ready to fight again. "It is time for me do fight with Len, to defend my friends, my honour, my brother...and save my future sister in law!!" she said the last part excitedly, waiting for the boys to get it. When they did Len smirked with pride but blushed and the others got extremely jealous. Lee Pai-long and the head fought and the head was defeated. Rio fell in love with Jun.

En got angry and shook your chains. You cried out in pain. "this is not over...".
It took them a lot of fighting but they finally reached En's hiding place, he dropped from the ceiling and something that was in his hands made Len's, Yoh's, Trey's and Morty's blood boil. You were hanging in chains from En's hand. "(Y/N)!!!" Len shouted as he saw you tied up in chains next to En. "oh, you know them (Y/N)?" En mocked you, "guys!!" you managed to get out weakly before you went un-conscious. "we didn't only come for Len En, I came for (Y/N)!" Yoh stated as he and the others began to fight En. It wasn't as easy as they thought it would be, En was a powerful opponent and Len managed to break his spirit control, revealing his true form. "I demand that you let (Y/N) go now uncle!!" "or what? oh...oh! i get it now! you have feelings towards her don't you Lenny. But tell me why? why should we ever trust or come to Love people again?" En said, crying at the memories of how his ancestors were treated in the past. "that's pretty heavy" "I almost feel sorry for him..." "yeah, me too..." En grimaced "my furioku comes from the spirits of my ancestors. Your ancestors Len, the fallen who sacrificed them selves! who were betrayed and stalked by those who they once kept safe! I carry history on my back and the fate of my family in my heart. I have not deceived you. Len, you are the heir to his family! do not deny your family!" En said pointing his sword at the boy. "do not turn your back on the pain and suffering that our family has had to endure!" Len had his bangs over his eyes. "i am a member of this family...but i am not a slave to it's past...I am my own man..." Jun smiled as Len said this, Lee Pai long had picked you up and was holding you in his arms safe. "very well then...I CALL UPON SPIRITS FROM OVER 2000 YEARS OF HISTORY!! COME TOGETHER AND FORM THE GRAND TAO DRAGON!!" En shouted, summoning said beast. "I can still be who i am uncle, and I can still be part of this family! I will never deny the legacy that brought me here!" Len shouted, launching him self into the air "but our past will not determine my future! i will walk my own path with (Y/N) and the others! my ancestors know this, and they are with me!" Len said, a picture of your smiling face came into his mind, your (E/C) eyes and silky (H/C) hair made him blush. He plummeted down on the dragon. "I release you from the past!" the dragon burst open and En dropped to the floor "no...its not over...i can still fight..." "that is enough En! do not let your pride cloud you judgement!" an old man appeared at the door way with a young woman. "if this confrontation goes on any longer than it already has then we may end up losing the both of you, and that might mean the end of the Tao family!" "he's right, its time to put away the sword En." Morty blinked, "who are they?" "he is my grandfather and she is my mother" "huh?" You said weakly, having woken up. "oh (Y/N)! your awake!" Jun cried, hugging you. Len stared at you, thank full that  you were ok. Trey grinned at him "Lenny~~" Len blushed and Trey laughed.

"FOOOOD!!!" Trey screamed excitedly. You giggled at his goofiness, causing Lenny boy to get a bit jealous. "Lenny?" you said as you walked up to him. He looked to you in question. "thank you...for saving me..." you said as you kissed his cheek. unfortunately Trey and Yoh saw this and pushed in between you two. "what about me (y/n)?! I helped save you!! don't I get a kiss?!" "yeah!" you sighed and kissed both of their cheeks, them then skipping off like they were in dream land. Yoh then decided to remember something. "oh!! guys!! did you know?! (y/n) can sing!!!" you blushed madly. "Yoh...don't..." "aww come on (y/n)!!" everyone was cheering you on and telling you to go for it. you sighed in defeat "fine!!! you want me to do the one from earlier?" "YESSS!!!" you sweat dropped at how hyper the two were but went for it.
In the dusty basement where we met
May you surprised so much
Because you're talking now
I gotta find the truth from many fights
But I'm all alone
You're the only one who can help me out
We'll be as one

Jun and Len gasped slightly as you began singing, they never knew that you could sing properly.

We're ready to fight
Look over there
They try to kill us for stars
Our bond has got much stronger than before

Don't lose your way in your mind
We have to be as one
Don't be afraid my sweet heart
This is the way to be more strong
Harbor my deep secret
It makes me so blue
Run through this game before my body is dry

Whilst you sang the chorus Len stared at you in wonder. His love grew for you everyday. You had no idea how much he loved you...

Can't move my feet in the dark
Don't wanna be all alone

You opened your eyes slightly and smiled as everyone has happy smiles on their faces.

Can't feel the heat in my blood
Do you remember what he said

Don't lose your way in your mind
We have to be as one
Don't be afraid my sweet heart
This is the way to be more strong
Harbor my deep secret
It makes me so blue
Run through this game before my body is dry

On the final chorus you opened your eyes when it finished and everyone clapped, Jun came over and hugged you "this is my future sister-in-law!!" "JUUUN!!!" "AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

(ok!! so this is the end of the 3 parter!! not the end of the story though!! and if your wondering, yes the fight scene with En is from the shaman king oneshot series by Otaku-chan, who is Otaku-chan? me. so yeah, it belongs to me!! hope you enjoyed it!!) :D

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