The Babylon gate

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  Right now you were stuck in a gold cage. It's powers came from Jeanne and were restricting your furioku. Suddenly it started to move, causing you to tip and fall onto Len, who gripped your shoulders and blushed at how close you were to him. Trey gripped onto him before getting yelled at by ,the still blushing, Len. "I do not do this because I want to. I do this because it must be done.." Jeanne told you. You rolled your eyes and groaned. "I swear half of the words that come out of my sister's mouth are just nonsense to me..." Suddenly Jeanne was surrounded by red claws. Zeke emerged on his spirit of fire. "Iron maiden no!" Lyserg shouted. 'huh...the poor saps in love...' (my head canon anyway XD) you thought before all of the X-Laws aimed their guns at Zeke and his minions. "So just what were you about to do to my other half...and potential shaman queen..." He added onto the end quickly. You lifted an eyebrow ( ) "You do not scare me Zeke...the power of light is stronger than you will ever be..." Zeke smirked and turned around to her with a dark smile. "Big words for a little girl..." Jeanne burst into flames, Lyserg screaming for him not to do it the whole time and your eyes widening. "sis..ter..."

The iron maiden shut closed and the glow from the symbol in the ground dimmed. Lyserg fell to the ground, and you swear you saw his hair droop as he did so, some of the X-Laws spoke to him before Zeke's minions began attacking. "Whats going on down there?! jeez!" You exclaimed. "The X-Laws believe that because this cage is still here Jeanne is still alive. I however am not so convinced." Len explained. "If thats true then their fighting for nothing..." Yoh said. You frowned and gripped the bars of the cage tighter. "That does it...get back Morty..." Yoh told him as you all stood in the middle, your furioku growing so it overpowered that of the cage's until it broke and you all landed on the ground in front of the X-Laws. Len attacked Luchist and dodged the other man's attacks but was hit by one and fell down. You looked at Eclipse, who was surrounded by white fumes. "Eclipse?!" You asked worriedly. "(y/n)...I must go into your is time for change...and new powers beyond your comprehension..." "Eclipse you're scaring me..." "Please (y/n) it may be the only way we can defeat Zeke!" You sighed. "Fine!" Eclipse surrounded your ruby. As she did this it turned creamy white. Like a moonstone. You pulled your sword out of the gem but it was different. The black had turned to white and the red writing had turned to a beautiful gold. You slammed it into the ground and a ring of light surrounded you. "this is your true form....purest moonlight...." Some of the X-Laws gasped and Zeke smirked, clearly impressed by this. Your hair flew up in the air as your outfit changed completely. (picture~~~) Your hair color stayed the same but your eyes turned violet, like they did when Eclipse was in unity with you. Some of Zeke's minions launched attacks at you but you simply brushed them off. You held a hand out to Len. He looked at your hand and then you in wonder. A light blush made its way up his face as you pulled him up. You smiled at him with the same smile that always made him happy. He smiled back slightly and looked at the X-Laws and Zeke's followers. "Len, I'm going to help Yoh with Zeke, try and take care of his followers ok?" You told him before running off towards the evil teenager. Suddenly electric began coming out of the sky. You stopped to look before being blinded by a light. You all looked at the iron maiden, which had opened to reveal Jeanne. "she's alive!" You whispered. 'how strong is my sister...?' you thought before a tower started growing. The remaining X-Laws stood on the outer ring of it. Defending it from Zeke's followers. "Jeanne stop!!" You cried along with the others. Jeanne smiled. "Open the gate" She commanded. Your eyes widened. And before you knew it. You were pulled into the abyss.

'where are the others? are they safe?' You thought. As you floated, not too far off shore. unconscious from the darkness, stress and horror of the gate of Babylon.   

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now