I have to leave...

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  After the fight with Basil he had been shot by the X-laws. You had fainted and Rio had to carry you. They ended up stopping at a Japanese village with steam baths. You woke up in a dark room. When you looked to your side you saw a robe with green rectangles on it. "W-what...happened?" Eclipse appeared next to you. "you were taken over by my dark side and went insane...mistress (y/n)...I...I'm so sorry..." Eclipse said and looked ashamed. "Wait...what happened to the guys?! are they ok?!" you asked frantically. "please calm down mistress (y/n)!" Bason's voice came from the window, he floated through in spirit ball form but turned into his ghost form when he go into the room. "Bason?" "the others are fine, however they have made a new enemy...they are called the X-laws..." You tilted your head in confusion and sighed. "are you sure their ok?" "yes!" you stood up and got the robe on, walking out and to a room with a massage chair and table tennis. Yoh was on the massage chair and Trey and Rio were playing table tennis like their lives depended on it. Yoh got off the chair and immediately spotted you and rushed over, hugging you. "I'm so glad that your ok!!" The others noticed you and ran over, especially Len. "guys...I have something to say..." You muttered, shadows forming over your eyes. "what is it (y/n)?" Trey asked. "I've decided.....that I'm going to have to split up from you guys...its for both your safety and mine...so no one gets hurt...or worse..." The boys' eyes widened at your words. "W-what?" "I'm sorry...but I cant afford what happened with Basil happening again..." Lyserg grabbed onto your arm before you had a chance to walk out. "(y/n)...let me go with you! we can go to the X-Laws and-" "No. I have to be on my own Lyserg, so I at least have a chance to find people who can understand this...power...inside of me..." You walked out of the room and went to get dressed and go. "Become her desires, become her dreams..." You turned around and saw two women, one was a ghost and the other had a hold of a pipe type of thing. "who are you?" "damn it!! I cant read her desires!!" "what I desire right now is to get away from here, so just leave me alone..." You walked away from the two, leaving them speechless.

*how you met Ayame*

You wandered through the desert again, suddenlt hearing the noise of battle you whipped around and saw a girl around your age with light purple hair and dark purple eyes fighting with another shaman, he had a monstrous look to him and had a dragon for a guardian spirit. "Kana!! earthen vine whip now!!" The purple haired girl brought out a whip and began hitting the man mercilessly, you watched in awe as he lay there motionless. "the next time you try to steal someone's oracle bell think again ass hole!" the girl shouted at him before noticing you. "what?! you want something?! you wanna steal my oracle bell?! well come and-" she spotted your oracle bell and calmed down. "uh..." "sorry about that! i thought that you were with him!" she motioned over to the unconsious man. "whats your name?" "(y/n), (f/n) (l/n)." "nice to meet ya (y/n)! wheres your guardian ghost?" "right here~" Eclispe appeared infront of the girl and smield sweetly. "oh wow! an assassin! thats totally awesome! oh! I forgot to introduce myself! forgive me, My name Is Ayame Hamamoto!" You shook her hand and asked her what happened to throw her into such a rage. "well, that guy hadnt been able to get into the shaman tournament so he decided to try and steal my oracle bell so he could get in! I wasn't having any of it so I kind of went mental on him!" You laughed at her story and sighed. "you don't have anyone travelling with you by any chance do you?" The girl shook her head. "nope, its just me and Kana!" the girl's ghost appeared behind her, the ghost had brown hair and brilliant green eyes. "wanna team up?!" you both blushed as you said the exact same thing at the same time. Ayame put her arm around you and grinned. "Lets go find Dobie village my new team mate!!"

*episode 36*

You walked up an abandoned town with a cinema in it, as you and Ayame walked in you heard someone's voice, it sounded familiar. Too familiar. "that wont be necessary..." it was Len's voice. You froze and opened the door silently. sneaking in to see what was going on. "Ayame, you might want to go into spirit unity.." "why?" "because i can sense trouble..." "ok" You looked over the seat in front of you and saw a tall man ith pale blonde hair and in a tattered cape being talked to by Len with Yoh, Rio, Trey and Lyserg standing behind him. "what's going on...?" Suddenly the man go angry and summoned a flock of vampire bats they all had huge black and red steaks in their claws and were flying over Len, Rio and Trey. Meanwhile Lyserg had a hold of Yoh and was going to...bite him...? The bats let go of the steaks and that's when you attacked. "duo miracle slash!!" You shouted and cut the steaks into pieces. "(y/n)?!" Len cried, yeah he had been in a bit of a depression when you left... "hey guys..." You said lowly. But you turned to Yoh and saw Lyserg's fangs plunge into Yoh's neck. Yoh fell to the ground and so did Lyserg. "what the hell is wrong with you Lyserg?!?!" you screamed as Yoh got up. "now!! attack them my servant!!" The strange man shouted in a romanian accent (or a failing one...I watch hetalia so...) "Yoh...no!" Yoh did an extremely bad impression of a vampire and you face palmed. "(y/n)! do you know these guys?" Ayame walked up to you giving you a quizzical look. "yeah...I know this pack of idiots..." You said, trying to keep serious but failed.
"so thats what you call us behind our backs?!"
"(y/n) how could you?!"
Len, Trey and Rio shouted at you making you laugh even more. "I'm kidding guys!" "so does that mean that you'll-" "no." "oh..." You smiled sympathetically at them before leaving. "come on Ayame, i think that they can take it from here!" You ran out of the town with Ayame as fast as you could.  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now