Trey's ending

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  You sat calmly in the side carriage seat thing of Rio's motor bike. You and your big haired friend were going to see the blue haired siblings and how they were getting on with their swamp making stuff. "How much longer?" You asked Rio, in boredom. "A few minutes and we should be there!" He told you excitedly. You smiled. "So are you planning on telling him?" Rio asked you. "T-Telling who what?" You asked him, blushing. "Don't be like that (y/n). I know you're in love with Trey~!" He smirked at you making you abruptly sit up. "R-Rio!" He laughed. "What?! It's been obvious since we visited you in the hospital!" He told you, keeping his eyes on the road. "I-It's been that obvious?" He nodded. You sighed.
"Has he noticed?"
"I don't know. I guess we'll find out when we get there~"
"shut up Rio..."
"Make me."

When you and Rio arrived you saw Pilica sitting on the top of a tractor laughing whilst Trey was shouting at her to stop. "Hey guys! How's the farming going?!" You shouted at them. "It's not farming!!" Trey shouted at you before realizing who it was. "Oh hey (y/n)!" He waved at you excitedly with a small blush on his cheeks.

Later that evening Rio and Pilica were sound asleep. Rio on his motor bike and Pilica in the tent she and her brother had set up. You smiled as the light of the moon shone down on the few new lily pads that Trey and Pilica had planted earlier. "Hey, you ok? You seem kinda distant" Trey sat down next to you. You shook your head. "it's not that...I just have a lot on my mind..." "About what?" "" Trey turned to you. "M-Me?" He asked you nervously. You nodded. "Yeah...I think I've fallen for you Trey..." He blushed but then fell back with a sigh of relief. "That's a relief! I thought it was a one sided thing!" He told you, smiling like a goof. You chuckled and turned around to face where he was lying. He suddenly sat up quickly and slammed his lips onto yours. You blushed and kissed back as he placed a hand on your cheek. "I thought you would have gone for Yoh or Len?" He asked you. You smiled. "Well I chose you~ what? you don't like it?" Trey went white. "N-No! I'm so glad you chose me! I'm just surprised thats all!" He told you rubbing the back of his head. You smiled and he smiled back.  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now