Chapter Three~ Hayden

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***They talk about books, but it won't make sense to you if you've never read them, but that's okay. Because I've never either. ;)  ENJOY!***


I drag my feet towards Room 17, yawning. I had spent last night at Olivia’s, helping her look for the perfect wedding dress. We finally found a beautiful dress, but unfortunately, it had been during the wee hours of morning. To sum it all up, I had maybe four hours of sleep yesterday. Joy to the world.

I slide down the wall along the door and wait. My eyes are just about to close, when the door opens and hits me in the knee. I groan, but get up. Susan looks down at me with a slight smile, before sliding down and joining me.

She sighs and informs me, “He’s same as yesterday. I hope he’s okay.”

“I’ll do what I can,” I assure her sleepily. Maybe that’s why she didn’t look so convinced.

We both get up, and she leaves, saying, “Good luck, kiddo.”

I stand there for a second, trying to wake myself up. I slap myself.

That wakes me up slightly, so I roll my shoulders back and open the door. I stomp in like I’m on a mission, which in a way, I am.

Stomp. Stomp. Trip. Wait. What?!

Before I can register what’s happening and brace my face for the floor, a pair of arms catch me.

Looking up in surprise, I see Cole. The intense look is back in his eyes.

“You okay?” he asks.


He laughs quietly before letting go of me. Then he sits back down in his armchair. I suddenly feel cold. Somewhere between all of this, I find my voice.

“Sorry, I have the talent of tripping on nothing,” I say with a small laugh. Ha! I can hide my expressions and feelings. Many years of college did NOT come to waste! I told you, Mom.

“It’s okay.”

I freeze for a second before my face splits into a big smile.

Cole’s voice is rich and deep, but more importantly, full of feeling. I slowly walk to the armchair across from his and put my bag on the table in between. I could feel Cole’s intense gaze on me and for some reason, that just makes me happier. But didn’t Susan say there had been no progress?

“Yes, your teeth are really white,” Cole says suddenly.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“You‘re smiling pretty big,” he answers, his tone tinted with amusement.

I quickly switch my grin for a smaller one, my face growing a little bit pinker. We grow silent for a few minutes, as I pretend to search through my bag for a book, while silently begging myself to quit blushing.

Finally, I look at Cole and blurt out the number one question on my mind.

“Should we begin where we left off yesterday?”

I try my best to keep my voice neutral, but friendly. I am not about to ruin this beautiful moment by bombarding him with nosy questions. Who knows how long I have with this side of Cole?

He nods his head and walks over to his full bookshelf, grabbing his copy of The Bean Trees. I am about to begin the discussion, but he beats me to it by asking,

“So why do you think Taylor kept the baby even after what she said?”

I blink, trying not to get distracted by his electric blue eyes.

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