Chapter Ten~ Timekeeper

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‘Your turn, Interceptor.’

I’m at the Center, and my eyes are closed, but I can see everything. At least, I can see everything that Interceptor sees- I’m a witness through his eyes.

Silently, and disguised as a middle aged man, the Interceptor walks into the grocery store, towards the hygiene aisle and to a tall man in a suit who was grumbling to himself.

The Interceptor, the good actor he is, gives a loud, tired sigh and turns to the man.

“My wife asked me to get her caviar. Do you know what that is?” he asks.

The man turns around and his mouth drops open.

“Mine, too! She waited until after I got home from the store to tell me! Women,” he replies, frustrated.

“So do you know what it is?” Interceptor presses.

The man shakes his head, looking more furious by the second.

“You know what,” he suddenly booms. “I’ve been standing here for the past half hour, trying to figure out what the heck caviar is, but I give up. I give up!”

Interceptor looks away, clearing his throat and looking uncomfortable.

“I thought maybe it had something to do with teeth. Cavity, caviar, you know? But nothing is named caviar on this damn shelf! She probably just made it up to get rid of me!” the man continues to rant.

“Wow,” Interceptor says. “Wife issues?”

He pauses to take a deep breath, but doesn’t hesitate to answer.

“Yes, actually. We used to get along, but lately, it’s like she’s having female problems every day! And I’m pretty sure that she’s cheating on me, but she won’t admit it. I just don’t get what’s going on.”

“Then leave her.”

The man slightly jumps back in surprise at the Interceptor’s calm reply.

“Pardon?” he asks.

Interceptor shrugs. “Leave her,” he repeats. “If this is what she’s putting you through, then she’s not worth it.”

The man stares at him as if he’s crazy.


“Okay, do you love her?”

The man continues to stare at him.

“Your wife, do you love your wife?” Interceptor says, looking a bit annoyed.

“I-I-I, of course I do!” the man proclaims weakly.

“You don’t sound like it.”

It takes a little more than a minute, but the man finally sighs and says dejectedly,

“You’re right. I don’t anymore.”

Interceptor asks, “So then why are you still with her?”

“Well now that you’ve put it that way, I don’t know,” the man says, looking confused.

“Would you rather spend the rest of your days, unhappy, with her or end this, live a little, and meet new people? Specifically, new women?” the Interceptor presses.

“You’re right,” the man realizes. “I’ve got to go, thank you so much!” Quickly, he rushes away, a more happy expression on his face.

‘That was too easy.’ Interceptor comments telepathically as he exits the store.

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