Chapter Twenty One~ Hayden

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  • Dedicated to YOU!(:


           The doorbell rings, adding to the chaos in the house.

           “Cole!” I call out frantically over the wailing babies. He immediately stumbles out of our room and into the kitchen.

           “Hayden?” he says, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

           “The doorbell just rang and I can’t get them to drink their milk!” I exclaim, distressed.

           “Doorbell?” he says slowly. Walking over, he takes Zack off his booster seat. The baby immediately switches from crying to cooing.

            “Oh, I see how it is,” I tell the baby.

            “Haha,” Cole says, but it sounds flat and weak. I stare at my husband apologetically, while vigorously trying to calm Will down.

             “I’m sorry, honey,” I say. “I thought I could handle them for a few hours. I know you’ve been working all night.”

             Cole shakes his head. “It’s okay. I told you to call me if you needed help. I’m not even tired.” Of course, a yawn follows his statement.

             I pat his cheek affectionately. “I know.” I grin.

             The doorbell rings again. Sighing, I place Will in the crook of Cole’s other arm. He immediately stops crying.

             Cole laughs as I stare at the twins in mock anger. “Traitors,” I coo, giving all three of my boys a kiss.

             I hurriedly go answer the door, swinging it wide open. A fifty year old woman stands behind it, nervously fidgeting.

             But nonetheless, she says sweetly, “Hello, dear.”  

             “Elizabeth! Come in!” I exclaim, ushering her in and giving her a hug.

             “Thank you,” she says, absentmindedly playing with a bracelet on her thin wrist.

             “You sure you’re ready?” I say in a hushed voice.

             Automatically, she smiles and replies, “Since you found me.”

              “Well, good! He’s in the kitchen with the twins.” I start to lead her in, shutting the door with my foot.

              “How old are they now?” she asks.

             “Seven months,” I beam.

             A tender expression falls on the old woman’s face.

            “Thirty years,” she whispers. Then a shadow appears on her face. “Do you think he’ll…he’ll accept me?” she asks worriedly, tugging on her bracelet.

            “You’re his mother. Of course he will,” I assure her for the millionth time.

            “I was too unstable to take care of my child,” she says sadly. “Now I can only pray that he will forgive me.” She gazes at me. “You have no idea how thankful I am that you found me.”

             I smile down at her kindly.

             “Ever since he was released from the facility, his greatest wish was to see if he had any living relatives. I had to help him.”

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