Chapter Eight~ Timekeeper

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A/N: Hey all! So the last chapter made some of you guys really happy, YAY! (and thank you!) But following with the storyline, the next POV belongs to Timekeeper. So I decided to show you guys one of his dreams... Enjoy and let me me know if something is wayyyy to confusing! Also, remember that he can't remember any of it when he's awake. ~7imekeeper

PS, Italics always makes things cooler(:



[A Spirit’s Dream…]

'My mind is released from the barriers of reality and slips gracefully into the realm of dreams. There’s no stress, no responsibilities, no closed walls. It’s just my dream state enjoying its mini vacation away from my head, a mini vacation in the clouds.

I wait patiently with a soft smile on my face.

I hold out my hand expectantly for the blue-eyed beauty when she appears, immediately lighting up my world. With carefree expressions on our faces, we walk. To where, we never know. We just walk on, enjoying here and now, while basking in each other’s presence.

She whispers something in my ear, and I laugh joyously. The words are funny as they leave her mouth, but I forget them as soon as they fade into the air. How can I concentrate on anything when this beautiful girl is staring at me, her facial expression probably matching my own dreamy one?

The wind makes its entrance, causing ripples in her brown curls. My hand flies to her face immediately to brush away a soft, stray strand. I tuck it behind her ear and stare into her eyes. They stare back, the pretty blue color that would beat the sky’s any day.

Slowly, so not to alarm her, I lean in, until our faces are barely a centimeter apart. Her lips curve into a blinding smile, but at the last minute she pulls away. Before she can leave, I entwine our hands and pull her close. This, she lets me do. She rests her head on my chest and I breathe in her intoxicating scent.

After a few blissful minutes, she pulls away again. This time, I let her go, but not without a sigh. She gives me another striking smile and a kiss on the cheek. Using the hand that I had released, she gently tugs on my arm, willing me to follow her. I do without a hesitation.

We stop in front of a grand, gold and white door and she points to it excitedly. She wants me to go through it. Looking at her hopeful eyes, I nod warily. Automatically, the door opens.

I see a busy, bustling street and hesitate. It’s bleak and gray, a far cry from where I stood, a scenery of blue sky and white cloud floor. A gentle, but firm nudge from my brunette girl leads me through the door and into the crowd. I turn around to frown at her, but she’s not there. Neither is the grand door.

My head swivels from side to side, trying to locate anything or one familiar, but all is in vain. I am completely and utterly alone in this cold place. Instead of panicking like I want to, I decide to take a walk. I trudge on slowly, examining the uninviting setting.

There are stalls at every available location, selling foods and items that I would never touch. Every product looks horrid and rotten. Where ever I am, it’s the poor part of town. Hungry eyes stare at me pitifully and I have to force myself to look away, very much wanting to help, but can’t.

Suddenly, a loud, booming bell rings and everyone scrambles chaotically. Stalls are closed, hands grab all they can hold, and people flee from the streets. In less than ten minutes, the busy street has turned into a barren one, holding a creepy atmosphere.

A group of sneering men appear and start stomping around, lifting tables and boards, as if looking for something. I freeze where I am, in the middle of the street. A man passes by me, not acknowledging my presence and I breathe a sigh of relief. They cannot see me. Less than a minute later, another man cries out in success and they all run over to his corner. I join them.

Lying on the ground crying silently is a middle-women, nursing her bloody arm. A young man is right next to her, ripping his shirt to shreds, trying to bandage her wound. He looks up, his expression morphing into complete fear when he sees the sneering men heading their way.

“Run!” he whispers frantically to the woman. They get up, but before they can move, the pair is surrounded. Quickly, the men grab both people and start dragging them opposite directions.

“Mom!” the young male roars, trying to break free.

He succeeds a few seconds later and races to his mother. Knocking out a couple men, he drags himself and her around a corner. The remaining, conscious men race after them, yelling and shrieking.

My feet are frozen where they are, afraid to follow them and witness what happens. A millisecond passes and the grand door appears out of thin air. I breathe a sigh of relief and pass through it without hesitation.

As soon as both of my feet are in contact with the cloud floor, the door disappears. My girl is waiting right there and she runs to my side immediately. I open my arms and she races into them. I bury my face in her hair, trying to erase the scene I had just witnessed. She looks up at me with a sad smile and whispers,

“You weren’t always a Spirit.”

Then, taking my hand, she leads me towards the opposite direction of where the door had been. The farther I walk, the less I remember of my visit and the happier I become.

I hadn’t been able to see the face of the woman, but I had seen the face of the young man clearly. It had been me.

A butterfly flutters by and lands right on my nose, causing my girl to giggle. Hearing her pretty laugh, I have to chuckle as well. It causes the butterfly to leave my face and start flying away. The blue-eyed brunette and I look at each other, smiling, before facing forward again and chasing after the butterfly, completely carefree and happy.'


A/N: What do you think? So yeah, Timekeeper wasn't always a Soul Mate Spirit...... :)

Will upload in less than a week, hopefully?

PS, thank you to all my fans, old and new. You guys rock(:

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