Chapter Eighteen~ Timekeeper

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(A/N) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Okay guys, this is my favorite chapter, aka THE chapter that started TIE. So basically this chap was planned even before the Prologue and I finally get to share it with you! Yayyyy~(11 pages on Word, go me!) 



               I can remember everything.

               The girl in my dreams, she really is Hayden.

               That’s all I can process before I hear a knock on my door.

               ‘It’s me.’

                “Come in,” I call out. Matetracker slowly opens my door.

                Getting straight to the point, she states, “Conscience#3 says that you’re ready to go see Cupid.”

                I wince at the name. I haven’t heard it in a long time. His name was basically taboo. It reminded us of our mistake so we had stopped saying it. Well, until now.  

                 “Yeah. I have too many questions that don’t have answers,” I say as lightly as I can.

                  A moment envelops us before she says, “Alright.” She silently closes my door, shutting her out with it. Interesting. Since it had been my fault, I had always thought that what had happened only affected me greatly. Maybe not.

                  When I hear Conscience#3’s happy chippers in the Center, I know I can’t postpone the meeting any longer. I close my eyes and immediately see my files. I zoom into the lower right corner, where a tiny heart is located. I haven’t glanced at it in centuries.

                  Hesitantly, I make the heart disappear with a flash. That was the sign I had to send to see Cupid. Like I said, I haven’t touched it in a while. Nervous can’t describe how I’m feeling at the moment.

                  The walls of my room shake and a deep voice echoes,

                  ‘I don’t like waiting for too long.

                  Silently, I step out of my room and to the Center where the conversation had ceased.

                  “You heard that too, right?” Conscience#3 asks cautiously. I nod wearily. Matetracker guides me to the couch and she sits next to me, rubbing my back soothingly. The Interceptor stands by Conscience#3’s side, staring at me accusingly.

                   “What?” I finally ask when it’s evident that he isn’t going to say anything.

                   “Why are you doing this?” he spits out.

                   “Doing what?” I say calmly.

                   “Don’t act like you don’t know! Why are we going to talk to him?” he demands.

                    “Because we need to,” I state simply.

                    “No, because YOU need to! It’s always about you, isn’t it?”

                    “That’s not true,” I say, quickly losing patience. “Instead of accusing me of things, why don’t you just say what’s on your mind?”

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