The key to being bad

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We tramped down the street, carefree as we watched people go about their lives. Everyone kept mostly to themselves but it was always interesting to watch people just being people.

"So what exactly do you do as bad boy?" I asked casually as we kept up our pace.

Cole shrugged, "whatever you want really. Being bad is pretty much just causing trouble, not giving a damn what anyone thinks-"

"Well I definitely got that second one down." I cut in with a scoff.

He raised an eyebrow at me looking just a tad annoyed, "you done?"

Rolling my eyes I nodded and gave a mock bow asking his royal highness to continue.

"And you have to never be caught, meaning you sure as hell never turn yourself in." He smirked at me, calling attention back to my time in jail.

Narrowing my eyes, I shoved him playfully, "whatever!"

Cole laughed under his breath, slinging an arm across my shoulders causing my pulse to miss a beat, "you'll get it eventually."

We walked in a comfortable silence for a while, his arm still resting on my shoulders as I smiled to myself. I tried to think like he did, careless and always scoping out trouble. As I attempted to change my thinking slowly, I couldn't help but imagine how hard I would've laughed if last year someone had told me my life would completely fall apart for one terrifying moment only to be saved by someone who was only trouble. Beautiful trouble.

But now I laughed at the person I'd spent my entire life building; a perfect good girl who wouldn't give in. Though here I was, looking for trouble and wondering why I'd wasted so much time on perfection.

But now I was beginning to realize that perfection didn't really exist how I'd thought. No one could do everything perfect, everyone messes up sometimes. The only form of perfection I saw now was the one found in being happy and living life to the fullest in the moment.

I imagined how my life could've turned out if I'd never met Cole. Most likely I'd've been a stern workaholic who'd never once crossed the line or broken a rule. Bored out of my mind behind a desk.

But that wasn't what happened, I'd met him and now I didn't stand a chance predicting my future with someone as unpredictable as Cole. He was always changing things, doing things on a moments notice but it didn't bother me. I was never one to run from change, but I'd never been one to run to it either. Not till now at least. Maybe this unpredictable future was perfection.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts, zoning back in to observe the world through my impression of Cole's thinking. The first thing I saw through this way of looking at things was how many things there were to see. The world was a whirl wind of opportunity.

"So what first?" I asked, still looking around to take in the endless possibilities.

"Whatever you want" he shrugged with smirk.

"Well there's just to many choices!" I laughed, shoving his arm slightly, "you choose."

"You wouldn't like my choice," he winked, smirking as if it were an inside joke of some kind, "you sure you want me to choose?"

"Uhh," I hesitated, "I was sure... But now not so much...."

He shrugged, "up to you."

Gritting my teeth, I glanced around making sure there wasn't anything to bad for him to choose, "ok, yeah, I'm sure. You pick."

Cole grinned, locking my hand in his and turning abruptly around and dragging me down the street, "to the bar it is!"

"Cole!" I stopped walking, planting my feet in refusal. It wasn't the good girl image I was worried about, that didn't matter, but I genuinely didn't like the taste or the fact that it was illegal, plus jail totally blows.

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