Chapter 12

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Josh's POV:
I ran towards Gabbie and grabbed her arm, causing her to gasp in surprise, I pulled her into the gap in the wall, waiting for the others to run away so the year elevens would chase after them.

Matt stayed though, he must've noticed that Gabbie isn't there anymore. I have to do something.

I turned to Gabbie "Stay here."
"What? Why?"
"Just don't make a sound okay? Trust me."

I turned around and walked into the vision of Matt.
"I knew you'd be something to do with this Ramsay, what have to done with her, she's mine."
I laughed dryly "she's nobody's, she doesn't want you. You know why?"
"I'm sure you'll tell me" he snarled at me
"It's because you're a bully. I've seen what you've done to her, and what you've done to girls before."
"They need to learn, they're mine and mine only."
"Not this time."

I walked up to him and pinned him against the wall of a building, my face right up to his.
"You touch her again and you'll be six feet under soon after, you got that?"

I pulled myself off him before I tried to kill him on the spot and started to walk away from him. He obviously had other ideas as he grabbed my arm, swinging me back to his direction and attaching his fist with my face before kicking me in the stomach hard so I fall down and hit my head on the harsh concrete beneath me.

A wave of shock and pain comes over me, I should've known he wouldn't let me leave without pain if he caught me.

I stood back up and looked at him with pure hatred, adrenaline rushing through me.
"My turn bitch."

I punch him square in the face and kick his legs from beneath him, crouching down and looking at the pathetic mess laid on the floor, clutching his face in pain, my hand hurt because if it.
"You know what, you're not worth it."

I stood up and walked towards Gabbie, who was peeping around the wall at me, I smiled a little at her as she ran up to me.

"You're hurt!"
"I'm okay, don't worry."
"Come back to mine, I'll sort your face out for you."

I nodded and put my arm round Gabbie's shoulders.

"Oh and Matt," I turned around "If you tell that little shitty gang of yours about this then I'll go to the police about you, and trust me, I won't hold back on what I tell them. That's not a threat that's a fucking promise."

I turned around and pulled out my phone from my pocket, I'm suprise said it's not smashed after that.

Gabbie's okay, did you get away from them? -J
I sent it to Calum, which got a reply almost instantly.
Yeah, they chased us right to the police station and now they're in there for 24hrs! -C
Nice! Thanks for all of this, it means a lot -J
Nah don't mention it, we're all glad we could help, we're at Kennedy's if you need us again -C

I put my phone away and let Gabbie lead me to her house.

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