Ch. 20 - Finalé

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I know its a few days too early but something came up so here it is: the last chapter roughly 1 week after the last chapter. It's been fun Trenchers. <3

Josh's POV:
"Wake up baby, it's studio day."
I shook Gabbie lightly as I tried to wake her. She clung onto me and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"One more minute." She whined cutely

I awwed at her and untangled myself from her, deciding to leave her for a while until she absolutely had to wake up. I got ready pretty quickly, doing my hair and pulling on a random t-shirt and jeans.

I plodded down to the others' room and knocked on the door. A groggy looking Ian opened the door.

"You guys are coming with me remember? You know, the whole band idea we need to pitch?"
"Oh yeah, right. Just give us like 10 minutes and we'll be ready." He shut the door again and I went back to wake Gabbie.

After 15 minutes we were down in the lobby and waiting for the car Mr Howell had apparently sent for us. It turned up and we were soon on our way to the recording studios.

As we were in the car we were trying to decide which song that one of us wrote would be worthy of us performing
"I think we should do B Team." I announced
"No, Stutter." Mike argued

"Guys, I think I know what song you should do." Gabbie exclaimed "back in school, in the music room, Josh played a song for me that he wrote. I think you should play that one."

Mike, Matt and Ian looked at me in confusion.

"Beside you." I nodded and so did they.

The day went without a hitch, we performed Beside You to Mr Howell which he adored and spent the duration of the day arranging minor details from the contract such as how long it would go on for, whether the apartment would be able to house all five of us and what the name would be, and after a lot of discussion it always came back to the same idea: Marianas Trench.

"See you tomorrow everyone. Gabbie, I'll show you how to work the controls in the studio!" Phil, as he repeatedly told us that we could call him by his first name, waved. We waved back and headed back to the hotel to one more night, we were to move into the apartment tomorrow, with the help of Phil apparently.

"So, what do you think Gabbie, having a boyfriend who's an upcoming rockstar?"

She giggled "Sounds good to me, as long as I'm with you."


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