Chapter 17

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Josh's POV:
"Away from this town. Are you with me?"
"Gabbie you don't mean that.."
"I do, I really really do. There's nothing good in this town. Not anymore."
"Okay. I'll come with you. I love you."
"I love you too Josh."

We ran out of the school grounds through a little gap in the wall behind the football pitch, we found it a while back when we ran away before. I can say that the gap has come in handy more than one time before.

"We need a plan then if we're really going to do this." I announced
"What do you mean?"
"Well we can't just run off now can we?"
"Yeah you're right Josh. We need to get money and clothes and all that other stuff."

Half an hour later we had walked to the woods and had discussed most of the plan. We both had a little money in the bank, about £900 that we'd saved all together so we could use that. We had agreed that we would grab as much stuff as we could from our houses such as food that wouldn't spoil, clothes and necessities like that tonight and bring them back to the woods and hide them for tomorrow. Now all we needed to do was arrange where we were going and how we're going to get there, and I don't think Gabbie's gonna like what I'm about to say.

"I have an idea for transport and location. But I don't know how you're going to react to it so you can't say anything until I've finished."
"Okay.." She looked at me confused but allowed me to carry on
"Okay so we go to London, there's lots of people there and to them we'd just be another two strangers, it's far away and nobody would think to look that far away, not for the first week or two.
Also there's lots of record companies down there that have sent letters to me wanting to sign me a record deal. One of them, Sony, have agreed that if I go down there they'd pay for 5 nights at a hotel and if they liked me when they listened would rent me an apartment. Technically as were both over 15 we can move out any time we like.
Now here's what I think you won't like. You can't tell Libby, Calum or Kennedy about it, they can't come with us or know anything about it. It's too risky. I know you won't want to do this but we're going to need to trust Matt and his gang."
"But..." I grabbed her hand and kissed it, at the same time I saw the worried expression melt away from her face.
"He got expelled from school and since then Matt's been in rehab trying to reform. He has a van so we could use that but he'd need to come with us. The good thing about this is that when he comes back up here nobody would think to ask him."
"What if he tries to hurt me again?"
"I won't let him. I promise on my life."

She paused for a second "Okay."

I smiled at her and kissed her briefly.

"I need to get home and packed before my mum finds out."
"Alright, meet me here tomorrow at 8:30."
"Okay. See you soon." She turned to set off but turned back and wrapped her arms around my torso.
"It's going to be okay Gabbie."
"I know, because I have you now."

She left and I called Matt, he agreed to the plan but on one condition: he, Ian and Mike stayed down in London with us too, they were all sick of Matt's brothers and wanted to run away too. Matt apologised profusely to me and said that he would do everything he could to make it up to Gabbie and me. I told him to meet us in the forest with the van at 8:30 and to not tell anyone other than Mike and Ian about it.

After that phone call I left to go home, I needed to call Sony to tell them that I'm taking up their offer.

"Hello Sony Record Deal Company how may I help you?"
"Hello my name is Josh Ramsay could it be possible that I speak to a Mr Phil Howell please."
"What is this in regards of?"
"I got a letter from Mr Howell a few weeks ago asking if I would like the chance to have a record deal and I just wanted to ask him a few questions."
"Of course, putting you through now."

I waited a moment before a friendly mans voice greeted me.
"Josh Ramsay how nice to hear from you!"
"Yeah I've decided that I would like to take you up on your offer."
"Brilliant, when can you come down to London?"
"I'm coming down tomorrow."
"Fantastic. I shall book a hotel room for you and get my assistant to ring you back with the details."
"Thanks. Oh uh would it be possible that I get rooms for my friends too?"
"It's a good job I like you Ramsay. How many friends will you be bringing?"
"That's fine. Come down to the studio on Wednesday, bring your friends too if you like."
"Thank you so much. I'll see you Wednesday."

Finally, I'll be able to be happy.

Is It True? A Josh Ramsay FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now