Chapter 13

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-Ally POV-

Macy drops me off at my house and I run upstairs to my room. I set my backpack and phone on my desk and lay down on my bed. Macy cheated on Nash. Is she gonna tell him? My phone rings. I walk to it and pick it up. Hayes.

"Hayes?" I answer.

"Look outside." He says. I walk to the door to my balcony and look over the gate. Hayes stands in my driveway with flowers and All Of Me being sang and played by Alec Bailey and his guitar. I cover my mouth with my hand and smile. I put my hand down and laugh. When Alec gets to the second verse Hayes runs up my tree next to me and hops over the gate thing. I smile and he walks to me and hands me the flowers. I smile and put them on the table next to me. I walk back in front of him and take his cheeks in my hands and kiss him. I feel his hands around my waist and smile.

Alec finishes the song and Hayes pulls back.

"Thanks Alec!" Hayes yells. Alec gives him a thumbs up and walks away. Where is he going?

"Where is he going?" I ask.

"Oh Carter drove us and he parked around the corner but anyway will you take me back?" I smile and kiss him again.

"I love you Hayes."

"I love you to." I smile and hug him.

"I'm really I just-"

"You don't have to apologize."

"Yes I do. I completely abandoned you guys without a second thought." I say. Hayes smirks.

"It was a pretty dick move." I laugh. "But I forgive you." I smile and kiss him again.

"So did you hear about Mace and Nash?"I ask. He shakes his head no.

"Well Nash can't visit Macy for a few months and Macy didn't take that very well and she kissed someone. Or he kissed her I guess." Hayes's eyes widen.

"Wow." I nod. "I missed a lot."

"Not really that happened today." I say. We laugh.

"Allison I need your help." I hear Macy say. She climbs the tree and gasps. "Hayes!" She hugs him as he laughs. "Please tell me your back together because if you aren't I'm gonna cry and it's gonna get really awkward." I laugh and Hayes puts his arm around me.

"Hayly Is back." Hayes says. I smile and kiss his cheek. (Let me know if you have a better ship name for them)

"Good look I tried to break up with Nash."

"What?" Hayes and I ask in sync.

"I felt so bad about the kiss that I told him he should break up with me and he said in some context that If I told him I didn't love him we could break up and I couldn't say it." She says.

"Well why would you break up with him?"

"Because I cheated on him Alls. I want him to be able to be able to be free down there and not have me hold him back." She says with a sniffle.

"Mace he's really stressed out and the last thing he needs is his girlfriend to dump him." Hayes says.

"Hayes your making me feel like a terrible person." She says.

"Truth hurts sweetheart." He says. I smack him in the stomach.

"Your a terrible person." I say to him.

"Look go surprise him and tell him you made a mistake thinking you should break up then kiss him." I say. She laughs and nods.

"Well I mean I only have a few classes tomorrow because I completed a lot of them junior year." I say.

"Now we're talking." Hayes says.

"Come on I'll drive you to the airport." I say. She smiles and nods.

"I'll call Cam and tell him I'm surprising him and have him pick me up." She says. I smile and nod. She hops off the balcony onto the tree and runs to her house.


Hey guys so school has just started for me and I really need to focus on school because I tend to daydream about Nash during class and then I get a 67 on my Spanish Final...... So I will try to update when I can which might be on Sundays or Friday nights. I don't know what my volleyball schedule is yet for games so when I know that I can tell you when I update.

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