Chapter 14

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-Macy POV-

I take a step off my plane and into the Los Angeles Airport.

"Macy!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I turn and see Cameron with his hood up and sunglasses so he isn't noticed. I put my hood up and run to him. I hug him tightly.

"I missed my brother." I say. He smiles.

"I missed you to but we need to get you to the apartment because I'm pretty sure Nash is crying and you are a terrible person right now for trying to let him go so we should go."

"You always make me feel better about myself Cameron." I say. He laughs and slings his arm around my shoulders as we walk to baggage claim then his car.

"So hows Ally? I hear her and Hayes are back together."

"How did you know about that? It literally happened before I left." I say as we pull out of the parking deck.

"Hayes tweeted duh." I laugh.

"How much longer?" I ask 15 minutes into the drive.

"Shut up Macy." Cam says turning into a parking spot of an apartment complex. I shriek and get out. I grab my backpack and roller bag and and we walk inside to the elevator. "Calm down Mace." He says looking at my reflection in the elevator doors. I laugh. It dings and we walk to their door where Cam opens the door. "Nash I have a surprise for you!"

"Go away Cameron." I hear Nash say. Cam motions for me to stay outside. I nod and listen.

"Dude you guys didn't break up why are you sad?"

"Because Macy isn't in love with me anymore." I gasp.

"What makes you think that?"

"Cam she wanted to break up with me. Should I let her go?"

"No! Come there has to be one way to cheer you up."

"Cam there is absolutely nothing you can do to cheer me up." Nash says. Cam motions for me to come in. Nash sits on their kitchen table with his head in his hands not looking up. I smile and sit next to him. He doesn't budge.

"I can't even help?" I ask. He looks at me and gasps. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him.

"I'll let you guys catch up. Don't have sex with my sister Nash." Cam says before walking out of the door. I smirk and pull back from the hug.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with a sniffle. I pull my sleeve over my hand and wipe his tears.

"I love you Nash. It kills me to hear you think I'm not utterly in love with you." I say letting a tear escape.

"But you wanted us to break up."

"It kills me even more when I realize I'm holding you back. There is gonna be a girl and you don't realize it now but your gonna fall in love with her and you don't know it know because you have a girlfriend who you can't see very often-"

"I'd rather see you once a month than be with another girl." I let a few more tears fall. "I love you." I smile then frown.

"Lets make a deal ok?" I say getting off the table and standing in front of him. "I'm staying until Sunday so this whole weekend we can be Macy and Nash. After I leave on Sunday we should be Macy.....and....Nash."

"What are you trying to say?"

"We should break up on Sunday and when I graduate from high school, if you don't have another girlfriend by then, I'd want to be together again." I explain.

"Deal but I won't be with anyone." He says pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me. I smile and lean into him. He places his soft pink lips on mine and we move them in sync for a while. "Come on. It's almost 1 in the morning. Lets go to sleep." He says breaking from the kiss. I nod and grab my bags, taking them to his room. I change into shorts and one of his t-shirts and crawl next to him in his bed. He turns off his lamp and I snuggle into him. "Goodnight princess."

"Since when do you call me princess?" I ask looking at his face that I can barely see.

"Since I figured out I'd loose you in two days." I smile and put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

I wake up and Nash isn't there. I walk outside of his room and hes sitting at the table with his back to me while Cam's cooking something. I smile and silently walk to him. When I reach him I wrap my arms around his Neck and put my head on his.

"Morning sleepyhead." He says causing me to giggle.

"Go get ready. We're picking up Karin and going to the amusement park down the street." Cam says. I nod and kiss Nash's cheek. I walk to his room and change into jean shorts and a blue tank top. I lace my grey converse and brush my hair, leaving it down. I walk back to the guys and see a plate of scrambled eggs on the table for me. I slide next to Nash and start eating.

We pick up Karin about 30 minutes later and walk into the gates of the amusement park.

"Lets go on the huge one first!" Nash says. I smile nervously. Did I mention I hate roller coasters? We stand in line and finally get to the top.

"Lets go in front." Cam says grabbing Karin's hand and pulling her to the front. Nash follows them and sees I'm not walking.

"Come on." He says.

"Nah you guys go ahead. Roller coasters aren't really my thing."

"Sucks. Lets go." He picks me up and I scream for him to put me down so he does in the middle of the four front seats.

"Nash I can't do this." I say. He takes my hands and kisses them.

"Yes you can." He sits next to me and pulls the lever over the four of us.

"Nash I need to get off." I say breathing heavily. He looks at me and kisses me.

"No you don't its ok babe the drops aren't that bad."

"She isn't scared of the drops. She's scared of going up." Cam explains for me.

"Well that's a first." Karin says. I nod. The floor drops below us and we start going up.

"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die." I say. Nash grabs my hand and in a swift move we reach the top and rush down and back up again several times before turning again and again and oh I think I'm gonna be sick. After about a minute we pull back in and I open my eyes.

"It wasn't that bad was it?" Nash asks as we take off the bar holding us to the seat.

"It was terrible." I state plainly.


Hey so here is an update! Finally I know and I'm sorry for not updating in a while! I might have to go to updating once a week because I'm shooting for all A's this semester which probably won't happen but let's hope for the best!

In case you were wondering, yes I am terrified of going up on a roller coaster! I love the drops but going up I just hate so so so much. I know I'm weird.

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