Chapter 27

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(Ann and her outfit above)
-Ann POV-
I look on Macy's snap chat and her and Nash are at a shooting range. Ha she is so random. I'm so lucky I have her as a sister. Finally a girl I can gossip to about the sluts and bitches in my school. My phone buzzes. A text from an unknown number.
Text message: Hey Ann it's Jake Foushee.
I smile. Jake. He's so cute.
Me: Hey Jake
Exclamation point or nah? I don't want to sound to excited but I don't want to sound not excited you know? I'm over thinking this. Send.
Jake: ok maybe this is a little early but do you maybe want to go out with me sometime?
I shriek. Calm Ann calm.
Me: Of course
Jake: awesome. What about tomorrow? I can pick up you up at 7?
I freak out.
Me: yea that works perfect
Jake: Great. See you then.
I jump up and down. The hottest guy just asked me out. Well behind Niall Horan of course but he is too old for me. I race to my closet and pick out a navy blue skater shirt and a gray long sleeved polo.
You are a tiger....a aren't calm. What am I even talking about? Hopefully I won't do this tomorrow.

I put on my outfit I picked out yesterday (above) and start on my makeup. I curl my hair and apply eyeliner, mascara, and a little eye shadow. My doorbell rings and I put on black converse. I run downstairs and see Foushee talking to my mom. He sees me and smiles.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi." He says.
"Be safe you two." Mom says. I smile and take Jake's hand.
"Will do Mrs. Turner." Jake says. We walk outside to his car and he opens the door for me.
We pull up to a bowling alley and I gulp.
"Is bowling ok?" He asks. I smile and nod. I suck at bowling. Suck. Last time I tried to bowl I hit my ex boyfriend in the eye. That was our last date. We walk in and get our shoe sizes and bowling balls. "Would you like to go first?" I laugh nervously.
"No it's ok."
"Come on you first." He says entering my name on the electronic bowling score.
"Yea about that uh I'm terrible at bowling and last time I bowled I gave someone a black eye." I say. He laughs and picks up my bowling ball.
"Should I show you then?" He asks. I blush and nod. He wraps his arms around my arms and pulls the bowling ball back and together we let in roll down the alley. I smile once I realized he hasn't removed his arms. "Oh uh sorry." He says realizing it to. He takes his arms off me and steps back. I smile.
"I actually didn't mind it." I say. He smiles and wraps his arms around me again.
"I didn't either." I let out a giggle. I've never done that before. Damn this boy.
I ended up winning because I'm guessing he let me win but I don't care. It's cute. "Now that I know you can beat me in bowling there is a park down the road. Wanna go? It'll be dark in about 10 minutes and I know a perfect place to see the stars." I nod. We drive to the park and it is already pitch black. We get out of the car and he takes my hand walking down the dimly lighted path. We stop at a park bench and sit down admiring the stars.
"Wow it's so beautiful." I say.
"Just like you." He mumbles probably guessing I can't here.
"Thank you." I say. He turns looking shocked I heard him. I laugh.
"Ann, I really like you and I know this is only our first date and you're one of my best friend's sister but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks not looking at me. I smile.
"I'd love to." I say. He looks up at me and smiles. He looks at my lips and I quickly lean in and kiss his. He grabs my waist, pulling me closer. I don't want this to end. Ever.
"I would love to keep this going but if I get you home past 9 your mom might kill me." He says not pulling far away from me.
"You don't have to worry about my mom. It's my dad who might kill you." I say. He gulps. I laugh and kiss him again.
"Well I really don't want to die so I can take my girlfriend out for a second date." He says. I blush and we get up. He takes my hand and we walk to his car.
We pull up to my house and he walks me to the door. "I had a great time Ann." I smile and kiss his cheek.
"Bye Jake." I say. He smiles and I walk in the front door and close it. I lean against it and smile.
"Where were you?" Harrison asks.
"None of your business." I say sassily. I walk upstairs and lay on my bed dreaming of the second date with my boyfriend; Jake Foushee.

I wake up early for school. I hate school. Why can't I be home schooled? Macy graduated why can't she be my teacher? Oh My Gosh Foushee could be my teacher. Oh it's like Aria and Ezra! Except not illegal. I get up and do my hair and make up then put on my uniform consisting of a ugly plaid skirt and a dark blue shirt. I tuck in my shirt and then put on knee socks and saddle shoes. I walk downstairs, eat a quick breakfast, and start my walk to school since it's only 3 minutes of walking down the road. I enter the school hallways and go to homeroom where I sit down next to my best friend Jackie.
"Oh my God guess what happened last night! You totally missed it! Where were you! Erin kissed Adam! On the lips!" She rants. I remember when I kissed Jake on the lips. "Hello earth to Ann!"
"Sorry I got....distracted." I say. And who knew he would be the only thing on my mind all day.

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