Chapter 28

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-Macy POV-
I wake up and see Nash laying next to me. I smile and lean over him and kiss his cheek.
"Morning." I say. He smiles.

"Hey." He replies

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower then make breakfast." I say.
"You sure you don't just want to just have a lazy day? Not get out of bed for anything?" Nash asks.
"I like food." I say. I get up and head to the shower. I take off my clothes and get in the warm water.
"Babe I'm gonna go shower in the guest room cause I have a meeting in like 30 minutes and you will be in the shower for a while." Nash yells. I laugh.
"Ok!" I yell back. 10 minutes later I get out of the shower and put on my undergarments, Nike shorts, and a tank top. I walk to the kitchen and start making eggs.
"So." Ally says wiggling her eyebrows.
"So?" I ask.
"You and Nash? I want to know everything." She says.
"How do you know we did anything?" I ask.
"Come on Mace tell me!"
"No don't! That's my brother and I don't want to know details!" Hayes says walking to the kitchens and sitting next to Ally. I laugh and put the eggs on their plates and mine and Nash's. Nash walks in in ripped black jeans, a blue shirt, and his favorite Winnie the Pooh vans. I smile and hand him his eggs.
"Thank you." He says before kissing my head. I take a bite of my eggs and Ally smiles looking from me to Nash then me then Nash again.
"Ally! Stop!" I say. She smiles and continues to eat.
"Ok I got to go. I love you." Nash says kissing me. I smile.
"Bye." I say. He grabs his car keys and his phone and walks out the door.
"So what are you doing today?" Ally asks.
"Uh I think I'm going to Ann's soccer game." I say.
"Oooh can I come? I really wanna meet her!" Ally says.
"Sure I think Foushee would want to come." I say.
"Good that leaves me to get something ready for you." Hayes says to Ally. She looks at him.
"For what?"
"Babe your birthday is in 3 days." He says.
"Oh your right!" She says. We laugh. My phone rings.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey honey it's your mom, Molly."
"Hey Molly." I say.
"So I just got called into the hospital and Ann's dad is at work so I was wondering if you would take her to her game today?"
"No problem! I was planning on going anyway." I say.
"Awesome. I'll see you in 30 minutes?"
"Ok bye!"
"So I'm gonna go get ready. We leave in 15 minutes." I say. "Foushee!" I yell. He walks out of his room in a white shirt and boxers.
"I'm so tired." He groans.
"Well we're going to Ann's soccer game in 15 minutes so go get ready."
"K." He says. I walk to my room and put on jean shorts, and my old grey soccer practice shirt from when I was a freshman. I'm surprised it still fits. I put on tennis shoes and then put my hair in a ponytail. I then go ahead and do my make up then walk back to the kitchen. Ally and Hayes are laughing. Awe goals.
"You know," Foushee says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "I hope your ok with me and your sister."
"Foushee, I love you. Your a great guy and you have known her about 5 minutes longer than I have. I trust you to be careful with her." I say. He smiles.
"Good. I can't stop thinking about her."
"Ok Romeo calm down you've only been dating a day." I say. He laughs. "Alls lets go."
"Ok. I'll see you later." She says to Hayes. He smiles and kisses her. Then again. Then again. "Bye Hayes." He smiles and walks to their room as we walk to the car. I get in the drivers seat and Ally sits in the passengers.
"Wow stick me in the back thanks." Foushee says.
"You don't want to sit next to your girlfriend? Wow." Ally says. He rolls his eyes and I pull out of the driveway onto the road.
We pull up to their house and we get out of the car. I ring the doorbell. Ann walks out in her black jersey, black shorts, and neon cleats. Her hair is pulled back in a cute ponytail.
"Hey." She says hugging me.
"So I have no idea where the game is so I need your directions." I say. She laughs and nods. We walk to the car. "Ally in the back. I need directions from Ann." I say. Ally groans and opens the door.
"Hi I'm Ally, Macy's best friend." Ally says holding out her hand.
"Ann, Macy's sister. I've heard some funny stories about you." We laugh. Foushee gets out of the car and Ann smiles.
"We'll let you guys talk for a second." I say. She blushes and Foushee walks in front of her. I get in the drivers seat and Ally gets in the back. She puts her face on my seat.
"They are so cute together." She says. I nod.
"Oh he is so gonna kill me." I say.
"For what?"
"This." He leans down to kiss her and I honk. They both jump and Foushee glares at me. I motion for them to come on. Ann laughs and gets in the front.
"Hate you Mace." Foushee says.
"Love you Foushee." I say.
We get to the soccer fields after getting lost due to my amazing driving.
"Ok we aren't that late." I say.
"Yea we are actually 3 minutes early." Ann says.
"Wow I'm good." I say. They laugh. We get out of the car and walk to the huge field sectioned off.
"Guess who showed up!" A blonde girl yells at Ann.
"Who?" Ann asks.
"Adam and John!" Blonde yells.
"Why shouldn't Adam be with Erin?"
"No because yesterday night he kissed Mia."
"Wow this is like an episode of girl code." Jake mumbles.
"You watch girl code!" I ask. Jakes eyes widen.
"Wow there is a lot I don't know about you. Even I don't watch that." Ann says.
"You shouldn't it's not appropriate." Foushee says.
"So why do you watch it?" Ally asks.
" I like it ok!" He says fast. We laugh.
"Steel! Tucker!" A man I'm guessing the coach yells.
"Ok I have to go practice but I can maybe see you at halftime." She says. "Oh wait. Uh guys this is Jackie my best friend and Jackie this is Macy, Ally, and Jake. Macy is my half sister."
"It's so nice to meet you. I'm a big fan." Jackie says shaking my hand.
"Well it's great to meet a fan. Good luck on your game." I say. She smiles and nods.
"Jake don't cheer for me and stuff I think you might say." She says. He laughs.
"Like what?" He asks.
"I don't just don't do it." She says. He laughs.
"We'll see." He winks.
"Jake please." She says with a smile.
"Maybe." He says. She smiles. He kisses her cheek. "Good luck." She blushes and her and Jackie run to the field.
"So who do you think Adam and John are?" Ally asks.
"I don't know but they are a big deal apparently." I say setting up our chairs.
It was almost the end of the game and Ann had already scored 8 goals. She's amazing. They were winning by 6.
"Ready for this." Foushee says with a smile.
"You are not gonna embarrass her!" I say.
"I have to she's my girlfriend." He says.
"I tried." I sigh.
"Number 5 on the field number 1 in our hearts!" Foushee yells. We watch as Ann puts her head in her hands. We laugh.
"I can not believe you did that." Ally says. The final whistle blows and we put the chairs up. Ann comes straight towards us.
"Jake!" She whines.
"What? I'm supporting you babe." He says. She smiles.
"You call that support?" Ann asks. He nods.
"I tried to stop him." I say. Ann laughs.
"I'm sure you did." She says.
"Yo Ann!" A blonde guy says a couple feet away from us.
"One second guys." She yells to them. She turns back to us.
"You can go talk to them." I say.
"I don't want to. Jake can you do me a favor?" She asks.
"Sure." He says.
"Great pick my up bridal style then-" Ann starts before shrieking as he picks her up.
"Now what?" He asks leaning closer to her face.
" you....uh.."
"Am I making you nervous?" He teases. She smiles and lays her head on his chest.
"I don't like you anymore." She says with a smile.
"Yes you do." He says. She smiles and leans in to kiss him. He leans in and they kiss. I look at the guys and blonde looks angry as hell. I smirk.
"Ok love birds save the kissing for later I'm hungry." I say loudly so the guys know they are love birds. I see the blonde run off and the brunette walks towards us.
"Ann is he your boyfriend?" He asks. Ann pulls back.
"Yep." She says.
"Wow Adam is gonna be so pissed." He says with a smile.
"Guys I'm hungry!" Ally yells. I agree with her.
"Fine let's get something to eat." Foushee says. Carrying Ann off the field like his bride.

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