Chapter 23

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-Macy POV-
     Do you ever have that feeling that you can't trust anyone anymore? Like your best friend betrayed you and told the whole school you have a crush on the QB of your football team? That's me, except I already have the QB of the football team and he is the one who betrayed me.
     I am so mad at him right now but I don't know what to do. Should I forgive him and be happy? Should I break things off to make a point to then be miserable without him? If I give him a second chance how do I know he isn't just gonna screw me over and I'd forgive him again?
     That's what Ally said to me. She told me what she said to Hayes and I was cliché and told her to do what her heart told her and she told me the same thing but my heart is confused along with me.
"Can I sit?" I hear next to me. I look up at Nash. I nod and look at the roof tiles. He sits next to me and stares off the roof. "Is there anyway we can move past this?"
"What that you lied or the secret family I didn't know about?" I ask.
"Both." I look at him.
"Your asking me to forget about the brother I just found out I had?"
"I don't trust him."
"Nash you don't know him."
"Neither do you! He could be lying about the whole thing!"
"What that I'm adopted?"
"No that he is your brother. Maybe he is a rapist or a drug dealer."
"Nash what if you were raised with a lie? What if your mom wasn't your mom and you found out you had a little sister and a little brother and an older brother? You'd die to meet Skylynn or Will or Hayes wouldn't you?" He looks at me with tears forming in his eyes. He nods. "And then your girlfriend, the girl you love and you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want to start a family, and grow old with doesn't tell you the biggest secret she could have kept. What would you be feeling?"
"I'd be mad and have mixed emotions. I still love her more than anything and I want to forgive her so we could get married and have kids and be with each other forever but how do I trust her now?"
"Wow you're spot on on all of this." He smirks.
"So you still love me?"
"Never stopped. I tried once."
"When was this?"
"About 5 minutes ago before I saw your face and realized I could never stop loving you."
"I don't want you to." He says. He opens his arms and I scoot into them resting my head on his shoulder.
"Nash I think I want to go meet my mom." I say hesitantly. He sighs.
"On one condition. I have to come to."
"Because if he lied and you get hurt I'd die so I'm going to be there to protect you."
"Deal." I can feel his smile as he rubs his hand up and down my arm.
"Maybe I'm forgiving you but you are gonna be punished." I say sitting up and looking at him.
"Punished?" He asks. Moving his eyebrows up and down. I laugh and slap his chest.
"Calm down not like that. You do have to sleep in the living room though." He growls. "Or I could move out-"
"No!" He yells wrapping his arms around me and pulling me on his lap. I laugh. "For how long?"
"Until I miss you." He smiles and looks up at me since I'm taller then him by sitting on his lap.
"May I kiss you?" He asks. I sigh.
"I guess so." I say with a sigh. He laughs and kisses me a few times.
"I'm in love with you Macy Grier." Nash says. His eyes widen and I smile and kiss him.
"I like the sound of that." I say. He blushes and smiles.
"One day it will actually be your name."

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