1.Runaway Jada

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*This is my first Peter Hale book, and I love Peter. He is 4eva Bae. I guess I have a thing for bad guys. Niykee Heaton plays Jada, and you guys should check out her music.*

*Also, my fanfiction will not follow the storyline of teen wolf, and I don't own any teen wolf characters, but only the characters I have created, and all rights belong to Jeff Davis and his writers. *

♔Don't fret about the little things;
tomorrow brings an all-new day of opportunities.♔

★JADA★ -

I pretended as if I were going to school. I walked to Beacon Hill high, where I was a sophomore, and then got in a car with my best friend Chris, who would drop me off at the airport.

"Jay, are you sure you want to do this? " he asked.

"Of course, I'm tired of my family lying and keeping secrets, and besides, who would miss me not including you," I said as I looked through my duffle bag, making sure I had everything and also trying to avoid Chris stares.

"Fine, let's go before I change my mind and report this to the police," he said. He drove out of the school parking lot and the direction of the nearest airport.

To see I was a nervous wreck would be a complete lie every five seconds; I would check the rearview mirror on my side to see if we were being followed.

"Jay, I can't believe you're actually running away, and where are you heading anyways? "He asked. He was taking his eyes off the road just for a second before looking straight ahead.

"Yes, I'm doing this for me, okay, and I'm not telling you because, let's face it, you can't keep a secret to save your life," I said.

"Ouch, that hurt a little, but you're right. As soon as you got on that plane, I would've told everybody, and when you got off, the police department of whatever state you go to would be waiting for you at the door," he said, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh, nice to know that you would do that to me, but hey, I guess that's why you will never know," I said, sticking my tongue out.

"Very mature for the girl that's about to run away. By the way, how did you plan all this?" He asked.

I looked at him like he was a stranger, and for a second, I thought he must not know about me.

"Chris, that is the dumbest question you can ask me for God sake; it's me, Jada Hestia Beacon you're talking to, and for your information, I had money saved up almost $ 50,000 to be accurate, from selling my things and saving up birthday money from the last three years and I have been planning this for six months, and I'm finally doing it," I chirped.

"Why did it take six months to put your plan in action?" He said.

"I'm the kind of person who makes plans a week in advance and then immediately starts planning my excuse for canceling them, so I was lazy," I said, pulling out a bag of sour patches.

I put it all in my mouth because I knew Chris would ask me. After all, they're his favorites. He looked at the bag in my hands and did the most hurtful look.

"How dare you not, Jada, have I not taught you better and to think you would be share because I'm the one driving you to the airport," he said, trying to sound hurt.

"Oh, man, here, Chris, you can have the rest. I'm sorry," I said as I did my famous puppy eyes, and you knew he was going to fell for it.

I'm so ready to leave beacon hill, which is funny because my family founded this place hint.

My last name is a beacon which also means a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.

I think that's weird, but hey, whatever, but people tend to describe me as wild energy, unpredictable, courageous, emotional, impatient, indecisive, and my favorite line from my parents is 'she often guides herself by her instincts.'

I think my whole family is an ample warning because something is always happening around them. Like this one time they so-called having a meeting with this family, I think their last name was Hale or something like that and basically kept saying pack or territory in like every sentence, and then when I would ask what they meant, it was always 'stay in a child's place' well excuse me.

Then they wonder why I'm never want to be a part of the family business because I don't know shit, and they won't tell me like they make perfect sense.

"Jada, we're here," Chris said, waving his hand in my face. Damn, as I dozed off thinking about my family.

"Oh wow, that's seemed fast, but I guess this is goodbye then," I said, trying to hold back the lump in my throat, which was going to cause me to cry.

"Yeah, I guess so, Jada makes sure you contact me as soon as you are there and take care of yourself. Also, don't hesitate to get a job, " Chris said.

I laughed because that's the first thing I'm going to do when I get there is looking for a job. I hugged him and said goodbye before walking into the airport.

Looking for gate C, I begin to wonder if my family already got my letter and if I'll ever come back to beacon hill.

A lady's voice comes on and says, "Flight 23 to Miami is now boarding." This is it; there's no turning back.

I get on the plane and say goodbye to beacon hill and hello to Miami.

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